Sleep. pt 2

647 21 1

Little! Phil

Cg! Techno

Teen au.

Phil woke up to 99+ messages on his phone. All From who? Technoblade. Phil sighed and picked up his phone and calling him.

Philza: Hello..?

Technoblade: phil your a dead fucking bird.

Philza: uh..why?

Technoblade: you ignored me and-

Phil couldn't listen everything was muffled and he felt a familiar fuzziness. He tried to fight back, but felt comfort from Technoblade's voice so he let it take over him.

Technoblade: then you-

Philza: I sorries bwbba..

Technoblade: it's okay, bud just tell me next time so I can help.

Philza: I wills!

Technoblade: FaceTime me so it's easier to talk.

Phil had trouble at first but managed to face time him. "Go get your paci,bud" Technoblade said as he got to a place and sat down. Phil nodded and grabbed his pacifier from his dusty drawer. Phil placed it in his mouth.

"That's a good boy" technoblade said as he set up his camera. Phil giggled at this. "There's the baby bird" technoblade clapped. Phil clapped back.

Phil loved this feeling, the one of happiness and togetherness. He wanted to feel this always.

Technoblade was glad he got his baby bird back. He was worried on the others mental state. So he was glad to have him back.

"M' wove ywus, bwbba!"

"I love you too bud."

A/n: tried to make it long just motivation is going low.


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