A little playdate

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Littles! Dream,techno,Wilbur

Cg! Sam,phil

Requested idea by: anonymousoofOG

Edited by: Evelyn my friend. We kinda did team work.
Today was the day that all 3 littles had waited for. A playdate.

The caregivers brought the littles to hang out at the playground. The littles ran off and the caregivers sat down on a bench nearby.

Dream was up in a tree while Techno and Wilbur wanted him to come down. He stuck his tongue out at them and sat there, as if to taunt the two down below, while they screamed for him to get down.


"Sam, did you notice how nice the weather is today?"

"Yes I did"


A/N: she helped fix and add things while I typed the first draft. So all credits to us for team work and her for editing.


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