Swimming in the rain.

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Okay, hear me out. My dad use to let me and some cousins wear a bathing suit in the rain and have fun.

Characters requested by: _D-Dreamwastaken_

Little: Tommy

Cg: Dream. _____________________________________________________________

Tommy stared outside, it was raining and he couldn't go out and play, no matter how much he begged dre. All he said was "No. Not now". Tommy whined. "Hey, how about you go put on your swim suit?" Dream said casualty. Tommy tilted his head confused. "Go on." Dream smiled softly.

Tommy went upstairs and quickly put it on and ran back down. Dream opened the back door. Tommy walked out and giggled as the water came down and hit him he played in it and was covered in muddy water. Dream sprayed him with a hose and dish soap.

They both changed into comfortable clothes and read stories the rest of the day.

Words: 146

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