when you come back 🥀

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Thank you AlyanaNorris for telling me that I forgot bakugo so here it is!

Katsuki bakugo 💥
When you told him you were going to be arriving soon he ran all the way to the airport since he wanted to be the first person to see you when you got home, when he saw you he ran up to you and wrapped his arms around you holding you tightly in his arms,
"I missed you so much, I frecking love you" he said kissing you
"I love you too and I missed you as well next time you are coming with me" you said kissing him back and after you got all your bag to your house you spend the day watching movies and cuddling since you were a little jetlack from your long flight home.

I apologise that their was no bakugo one but its here now!

Have a great day/night 🌙

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