The date?

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Your POV:

"Hey david," I awkwardly waved.

"Oh! Hey y/n!" David yelled still his enthusiastic self, "you ready?" He asked.

"Yea! I'm excited," I smiled. David walked over to the passenger set door and opened it for me.

"Thank you," when we started driving it was really well.... awkward.

David broke the silence, "so, where do ya wanna go first?"

I thought for a moment. "Hm, there a really good bakery in town, I think it's called the muffin top?"

"Sounds yummy!" David commented.
I typed the name into ups as it showed as where to go.
"Ooh! There it is!" I pointed. We parked not too far away from the bakery as we walked in.

My eyes burned from what I saw.
David instantly covered his eyes with both hands. "Uh y/n, I don't wanna question your judgment but uh, I don't think this is a bakery."

There place was covered by females AND males dressed in allmost nothing dancing while people ordered drinks and cheered them on.

"Stay here," I asked.


I walked over to a waitress,

"Hey um, sorry but I read this as a bakery..?"

"Oh! Yea it's a club and a bakery, here let me take you to the other side, wait..Is that your boyfriend? The one covering his eyes?" She asked.

"Huh?" I looked to where she was pointing, "oh" I laughed feeling my cheeks turn pink, "no, I wish, but no. We're just hanging out in town. I think. Honestly I have no idea wether this is a date or not and I'm kinda well,"

The waiter laughed, "I understand what you mean, well grab em and I'll show you to the bakery, and don't worry. The people DO have clothes on."

I laughed as I walked over to david. "Hey this lady's showing us where to go."

"Alright, and I don't have to cover my eyes when we get over there right?" He asked.

I giggled at his cuteness, "no, I don't believe so." I took hold of one of his hands-the other one still on his face- and led him where the waitress was taking us.

We got into a brightly lit up room with the smell of all sorts of goodys. It was a classic bakery with tons of tables and honestly I don't know much about the topic but it was very aesthetically pleasing.

I looked over and noticed David covering his eyes still, "Davey, you can un cover your eyes now."

"Oh, thanks." He laughed,
We went up to the counter,
"...See anything that looks good?" I asked.

"Hmm," david put on what I like to call his thinking face. He puts his thumb up to his chin and squints his eyes, it always makes me laugh on the inside. "A honey bun looks good."

I looked at all the pastries to choose from, "a f/p looks good too." (F/p = favorite pastry)

"Alright we'll have one honey bun and one f/p" david order to the cashier,

"That'll be 6.50 $" the cashier said.

"Alrighty, " I said taking out my wallet before david put my hand down from grabbing it.

"I'll pay," david offered.

"Hey you drove me here it's the least I can do." I said.

Time Capsule (David x reader Camp Camp)Where stories live. Discover now