Last day of camp campbell

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(Yes I did draw that)

Your POV:

And just like that the last night of camp cambell came to a close. Me,Gwen,and david walked kids to their tents.

Once almost everyone else was settled in after taking a shower me and david went into Max's tent,

He was sitting on his bed holding mr. honey nuts and playing with his ears, his arms and just fidgeting with him.
"Hey max," I smiled walking up to him.

"GAH!" He yelled hiding the bear behind him, "Jesus! A warning next time please!"

I laughed, "sure I'll make sure to knock on your door when I come in."

Max looked at me confused when he seemed to remember that we were adopting him. He let out a small smile, "you better."

"How was the last day of camp?" David asked him sitting next to him as I followed.

He shrugged, "it wasn't horrible, ya know beside the fact I got kidnapped by my parents and then Knocked out twice. Not to mention I thought all of you were gonna die."

Me and david looked at each other with a 'right..' look.

"But," max started. "I then got to hang out with my friends, and something I thought was gonna suck balls.. didn't. And honestly I had.."

"Fun?!" David squeeled.

Max looked at him annoyed, "a decent time.. and to top it all off.." he looked at us, "I got a new family." His eyes went wide and looked away as me and david smiled ear to ear, "that is if you want me ya know, I don't care." He scoffed.

Me and david enlarged him in a huge hug, "of course we do!" David emphasized.

"Max we don't just want you! We love you, and you've been apart of this family sense day one!" I cried.

"You sound like david," he half laughed.

"I don't think that's a bad thing.." David whispered kinda offended still hugging max as I did as well.

Max finally returned the hug and buried his face in our arms. I could feel him smile and tears fall down from his green eyes.

"Thank you...."

The hug didn't last much longer, "okay okay I get it, now go before Neil and Nikki come in!" Max told us embarrassed.

I laughed, "okay sweetie." Walking out with david.

"DONT CALL ME THAT!" Max yelled as we exited his tent.

Me and david laughed. He held onto my hand as we walked around camp.

"I can't believe max is gonna be our son..." david said in disbelief, "I mean.. it seems like yesterday he tried to escape camp with Nikki and Neil for the first time.."

I looked and him and smiled, "you have got to tell me what happened before I came here."

He chuckled, "oh I will," his eyes went sad again. "Y/ you think I'll a good job.?"

"What?" I asked.

He scratched the back of his neck and looked at the stars, "I mean, what if I'm not a good dad.? I never even grew up with one so... how do I know how to act or do?"

Time Capsule (David x reader Camp Camp)Where stories live. Discover now