Lets do it

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David's POV:

I hugged y/n and max crying loudly. I wasn't sad. Heck, I don't think I've ever been happier.

We separated and saw Neil and Nikki waiting to talk to max, y/n nudged her head towards them and max nodded. He ran off to them when hey asked him what just happened.
I chuckled and put my hand around y/ns waist bringing her closer to my side. She laid her head in my shoulder and smiled.

Everything turned out okay. All the campers are alright, Max's parents are going to jail, and.. now I have a family.

I look at y/n and the campers. I looked at the mess hall and all our adventures. When the kids tried to over throw the place. All the times we got space kid off the fan.. the first time Nikki and Neil came here..
When me Gwen and y/n would sneak off to chill and talk when we were exhausted..

I guess I've always had that..

I gave y/n a peck on the cheek and rested my chin on her head watching the campers.

Cops were outside looking around to make sure everyone was okay.

Eventually me and y/n helped Gwen make calls to the kids parents explaining everything and telling them no one thankfully got hurt that they could pick them up tomorrow.
Though we got cussed at sometimes we didn't take offense to it. We knew the parents are just worried for their kids,
Like we were.
So we couldn't necessarily blame them.

I walked to the front of the mess hall, "hey everyone can I have your attention!" I called,

The room went silent and actually paid attention.
"Whoa, well was not expecting that okay uh, because of recent events camp campbell summer will have to be cut short."
Many campers had shocked faces. Some were sad some were angry and others didn't really care.
"Many of your parents are worried sick after we updated them on what happened so they will be here to pick you up tomorrow. If you want to talk to them you can always come up to one of the councilors for a phone."

"But," y/n cutted in. "Though it's sad I've gotta say, I may not have been here as long as david or Gwen but I've watched all of you grow miraculously. All of you have so much potential. Wether your interested in sports," she looked at Ered, "the arts," She looked at Dolf and Preston, "science," she looked at Neil and space kid, "or anything in between I hope that you can let yourself grow and don't shut what makes you out. I'm so proud of all of you and I thank you all for letting me," she looked at me and Gwen, "us-be apart of that Journey."

She got different reactions from the campers, but everyone was touched in a way.

"But! Let's cut the sappy talk! That still leaves tonight so, let's make this the best last night of camp ever!!" She encouraged.

The mess hall cheered.
"How about we take some suggestions on what we do? It's your last day not ours." Gwen asked.

I nodded, "okay camperinos! We're taking suggestions on what to do! Any ideas?" I asked.

The campers hands jolted up.

"Preston?" Y/n called

"What if we did a big play! Me, the director!" He suggested.
Me and the councilors looked at each other,

"Well think about it!" I said.

Dolf raised his hand, "what if we painted pictures of von another?" He asked.

"No a bad  idea!" Y/n encouraged.

"What if we built the most extreme sports corse ever!" Erid suggested.

"That might take too much time.." Gwen said.


"What? No." David said concerned.

"Let's do an epic quest!" Neriss called

Y/ns face became focused. She was thinking. How could I tell? Well she arched her eye brows, put her thumb onto her chin, and slightly bit her lip.
Then out of no where she clapped and a lightbulb basically lit above her head.

"I've got it!" She said.

"Got..what?" Gwen asked.

"What if we did something that could somewhat combine all those!" Y/n excitedly stated.

"What?" Some of the campers asked.

"Let's do a talent show! It's the perfect thing to end the camp with! Showing off your talents you've learned with friends or a solo act!" She excitedly explained.

"Is this mandatory?" Max asked.

"Yep!" I cutted in.

Max groaned.

"Everyone, grab a flashlight and follow me!" I called. I lead the campers out to prestons theater and got up on stage with Gwen and y/n.
"Okay everyone! Group up or don't and plan your act! Well start it in 3 hours!" Gwen called.

Some campers groaned and walked with a group others happily ran off to practice.

Your pov:
I was walking around talking to david when I noticed max was sitting alone.

"Hey max what's up?" I asked.

He shrugged.

"Why aren't you practicing, I would've sworn you would've joined them." David pointed out.

He shrugged again, "Nikki wanted to do something with the platinum and Neil's gonna be Neil and do something sciencey."

"Why don't you just do something on your own then?" I asked.

"Kinda hard to do a talent show when you don't get any talents." He said coldly.

I looked at david and then at max, "hey, pair up with me and david. We'll figure something out."

"What? Why would I do that?" He asked.

"It'll be fun max!" David tried to convince,

"If it's coming from you I'm not sure how fun it can be." Max said sarcastically.

"I promise it will, and if it's not. You can ditch." I bargained.

He shrugged, "fine. Let's do it."

Time Capsule (David x reader Camp Camp)Where stories live. Discover now