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"first dream"

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"first dream"


We arrive at the hotel, but my mind hasn't.

It still wandered around every corner of the restaurant in the hope to meet that girl again. The way this girl rules my thoughts makes me scared.

I still remember the day, when I first saw her in my dream. It's still crystal clear in my mind.

It was December night just before the new year.

The snow was pretty heavy that day. The weather was cozy and dark.

I, Jake, and Piper cancelled the Skiing plan. I decided to head to my room to watch some series inside my blanket but instead fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes all I could see was me standing alone in a place full of tall trees. The droplets on the leaves were evident that it just rained. I could hear the birds sing. The scent after the first rain was all over. It was peaceful.

"You came?" She said softly, making me spun around and without a second she ran right into my arms. Like she has been waiting for me, for years.

I held her tightly. The strawberry fragrance from her hair filled my nostrils. I nuzzle my nose in the crook of her neck, the sweet giggle escape from her mouth making my heart melt slowly.

She broke the hug in a bit before standing on her tiptoe, pressing her lips softly against mine.

That kiss.

Not even an actual kiss. I would say just a peck kiss, but it was still enough to make me dash awake with my heart throbbing and my breathes faster than usual.

The dream was so surreal. That it took me a while to realize that it was just a dream.

But, when I touched my lips with the tip of my fingers. I could still feel the tingles like she actually kissed me and not just in dreams.

I've never felt this way ever. It was strange. I was bothered for days but then decided to move ahead and told myself it was just a dream.

Who knew? The solution wasn't to move ahead or get over it by saying it's just a dream because ever since that day, the chain of dreams began.

I tried every possible way to stop them. Even though we never have control over what we dream. No amount of meditation before bed or storytime before bed is ever gonna stop them.

So I stayed up all night sometimes, which affected my health at some point.

But then I got emotionally attached to her.

I found myself daydreaming about her. I remember this one time I tried to picture her and scribble her sketch on my book while my professor comes stand over me, watching me the entire time. Later she explained to me how this isn't Art class but Spanish.

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