Letter 34

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I got out of the shower after whole 40 minutes. Feeling somewhat better. I decided not to blame myself, I don't think it's my fault. I never gave her any false hopes.

She did it herself.

It hurts me, she turned out to be something I didn't think she was. It sucked that I can't do anything about this cause no one's gonna believe me.

I wore clean new clothes, black full sleeve sweatshirt, with grey sweatpants.

I made my way downstairs. Mom and Piper still haven't come back. This empty home is eating me up, the room feels smaller than usual.

I headed to the kitchen to get myself a coffee.

"Sure, I'll like to have coffee."

"You should make coffee for me often."

"Hayden, you know I'm this kind of person, do you think by any chance something wrong went or got added in my coffee you made that..."

Brittany's words repeated in my head. I threw the coffee pouch back in the container.

I took the Coke can from the fridge making my way back to the living.

I made myself some popcorns as I played Crazy, Stupid, Love for the 180th time. Maybe watching something light-hearted would help.

Before I even realise I was sleeping on the couch.

"Don't you think you should come to see me?" She said walking towards the ocean.

"Hey, don't go too far. You know you can't swim." I said following her through the sand.

She chuckled. "But you can."

A huge wave came towards me in such a force I almost got pushed back as the water splashed across my face...when I opened my eyes she was nowhere in sight.

I jumped in the ocean as I swam as far as I can. Trying to look for her. I panicked.

The bell rang, bringing me back to reality, for the first time reality felt better than a dream.

Why do all the dreams I see of her these days, I have to keep watching her walk away from me then disappear?

I stood up, opening the door. Piper and Mom stood there with tons of bags and bright smiles.

I let them in.

"I'm glad, we made it on time. It was the last day of sale" Mom said.

"Yes, the sale was better than I expected." Piper replied in agreement.

"You two had fun?" I asked siping my coke.

"Yes, we did."

"Looks like you two had a lot of fun too." Piper said teasingly.

She bet.

"Give us the details." Mom said.

It didn't cheer up my mood but made it worse.

"Yes, it was great meeting Brittany." I said before walking to my room.

I want to be left alone.

My room doesn't feel the same anymore. I shouldn't have let her in. That was the dumbest move. I gave her the wrong hint.

"Hayden, what's the matter?" Piper asked as she walked into my room, she seemed confused.

"Um.." I began.

"Nothing is not an answer..spill it before I make you." She ordered.

"It's written all over your face that something's not right so you better spill it before I tie you under the melting wax." She said with her cute angry expressions.

I chuckled, to which she just glared.

"Mom is worried too. Tell me already bro. It's causing me a major headache" She whined rubbing her forehead.

"Okay, but don't tell about this to mom or anyone. And take a seat."

"And do you promise to stay calm?"

She nodded as she took a seat.

I let her know everything that happened when they were gone.

The flashback still made me sick to my stomach. Am I overreacting?

"The bitch has dug her own grave. She can't see one more new day" Piper stood up furiously as she walked out.

I lifted her from behind bring her back to the room.

"P, you promised me that you won't be mad and stay calm."

"Oh sure, I'll calmly slap, punch and kick that bitch out of the earth,  let her rotate in the fucking orbits or whatever that shit is." She screamed.

That only made me laugh.

"Or how about the Black hole.'

"Shut up P, I don't want you to get in any trouble." I said as I took a seat at the edge of my bed.

Her eyes that were filled with rage softened as she walked towards me and caressed my hair.

"How are you feeling?" She asked as she sat beside me taking me in the tiny embrace.

"'I'm okay, I'm fine isn't the answer tell me how you really feel." She demanded when I was about to lie that I was okay, cause I'm not.

I chuckled placing a hand on hers.

"I'm not okay, I still feel so disgusted by her unwanted touch even after showering, I can still feel it. I'm also so disappointed that I actually thought she could be one of my good friends I can count on, I'm also tense if I gave her any wrong hints that lead to this. You know sometimes I'm unnecessarily sweet or extremely rude but that's just my way to hide the embarrassing awkwardness I have in each bone of mine" I went on, Piper just sat there listening to me her hand still on my shoulder.

"I'm also scared if this will have any bad effect on dad's work." I finished.

She rubbed my back.

"First of all, it's not any of your faults if that bitch can't control her wild hormones."

"Secondly, your dad's loss is better than your loss you know happiness-wise or having to leave with such memory. Also, he will find better partners, than these people. If you ever felt like telling him or the cops just know I'm ready to be a witness and you know I'm such a good actress." She said flipping her hair dramatically.

I laughed at her cuteness.

"Thanks, P, I feel so much better now" I told her smiling.

"Do you want to feel more better?" She stood excitedly.

I gave her a confused look, raising my left brow.

"Iceee-creaaaaam duh" she gave me -isn't-it-obvious-look.

"Let's find my sugar daddy who buys me unlimited ice cream." She said winking, I know she means Jacob.

I chuckled. "Will your sugar daddy be okay with buying me ice cream?" I questioned playfully.

"He won't have any choice." She replied playfully.

She then dragged me with her towards the door. Stuffed me inside my car as she began to drive it.



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Hugs & Love

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