Letter 58

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6 Days, 144 Hours, 8640 Minutes have passed and I haven't stopped feeling like a living doll that can only breathe.

My life has been nothing but a lie.

Time like this I really wish I was an actual doll with no feelings, emotions, or soul.

I sat on my bed, in my pitch-black room...I haven't took shower, nor have I combed my hair since days, I have no energy for that.

I don't remember changing my clothes either.

I have lost my appetite but I remember eating two slices of bread 3 hours ago.

No amount of water is helping the dry coat that has spread across my throat.

My family and my best friends have finally resigned from their attempts of trying to get a hold of me...after non-stop I'm apping the door for I don't know how long?

I still haven't figured out if going to Will was the best decision or worse? Cause truthfully I was better off knowing what I got to know...

Flashback starts

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Will asked. I nodded in agreement. I've been waiting for this moment.

"Memory loss are common after car accident specially if you hit the hippocampus beside the brain. And it also cause foggy thoughts and-" he went on giving me information I didn't asked about.

"I don't wanna know all that, lets just come to the point" I replied as politely as I can.

Samantha tried her best to prevent this from happening until she finally gave up and made her way towards their bedroom. I sat in silence.

Will open the laptop positioning it right in front of my eyes.

"Do you recognize this?" He asked as I gazed towards the Spiderman wallpaper on it.

This looks like...my laptop.

"This is mine?" I said glancing at him.

He nodded "see this how it works, by slowly exposing you to the memories. This sometimes may not work too so don't be hard on yourself, give yourself time to process" he clarified.

I just nodded as he began to show me pictures from my high school that were in my files.

I recalled on lot of things as we go through those pictures.

Of course, the memories I could see in my head weren't as clear as they should be but still okay. It takes time as he said. I shouldn't be hard on myself.

It was delightful to go down memory lane through these pictures. I almost forgot about the main purpose of doing this.

"See, that's how you recall all the memories day by day so I think we should end today's session here only-"

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