Letter 20

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• Hayden's POV •

The three of us ate breakfast together when it was actually a  lunchtime.

Then we played games in the gaming room for a bit. We swam letting out all the stress.

Brittany tried to talk to me a few times but all her attempts failed so she hasn't been around now, which is good.

Jake insisted on going back to the restaurant in a hunt for the girl. I refused I'm done being selfish. She's not important to me anyway.

Really? A little voice from the back of my mind asked.

"Yes, she's not important!" I replied.

"Who are you lying to?" The voice said.

I went speechless.

"The only person you're lying to is yourself." The voice added.

Fucking hell now I'm arguing with myself? I mean it's not the first time.

I visited Archer at to hospital, he will be discharged till evening, but he doesn't know that yet.

I also took few balloons with me of his favorite color. Black.

Yes, his favorite color is black. Never met a kid whose favorite color would be black.

I ruffled his hair making him awake.

"How are you, buddy?" I asked him.

"Just fine, and bored actually. I want to be in the gaming room right now" he said pouting.

"Could you take me there?" He requested with his puppy eyes.

"No, nope, not happening, you need to rest here. We can go to the gaming room when you are fine." I told him winking.

"I'm tired of resting so much Bud." He said and let out a small yawn.

"The doctor keeps telling me the fart jokes, and the nurses ugh they keep pinching my cheeks. And mom keeps crying after every second." He ranted with frustration, making me chuckle.

4 years kids have frustration too? I mean they're humans too so it's obvious.

"Oh so you're tired of bad jokes, should I tell you a good one?"

"Yes please," he said holding his hand together waiting for me to proceed.

"So once I asked a dog, what's two minus two, guess what he said?" I asked, excited to finish the joke.

"Woof Woof!" he mimicked the dog's voice that made me chuckle.

"No bro, he said nothing." I finished, hoping he understood this awesome joke, which of course isn't my own.

I gave myself a high five when he didn't returned, I kept laughing hysterically until the nurse's head popped at the door she placed a finger on her lips shushing me.

"I think Mom lied to me" He blurt out suddenly.

What does he mean by that? I mean yeah, Sarah is a Liar I ain't surprised. Not always though. She has been blaming me for breaking things at home half of my life.

"About what Archie? You know you can share anything with me, my lips are zipped always" I said as I do zipping my lips gesture.

"Mom once said, you" he pointed me.

"Aren't her actual brother, she found you on a park bench and thought you were really cute so she brought you home. But unkie your jokes are exactly like Mum how can you not be her real brother." He finished and looked like he's trying to solve complicated theory. I tried to control my laughter.

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