Letter 45

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We sat in Jacob's room.

Something's not right between Jacob and Piper.

"Did you two fight again?" I questioned looking between them.

"Piper started it though" Jacob pointed at her.

She just rolled her eyes before speaking.

"You know very well who is Argue King"

"Yes, exactly it's you!" He said.

"Sure" she said.

"See, she has nothing to say anymore cause I'm only spitting facts" he went on.

"Remind me why am I friends with him again?"

"Cause I've tolerated your annoying ass for that long. And me being hot, kind and a gentleman is a bonus." He added.

"Oh please, you-"

"Guys stop it and shake hands like two good kids" I ordered even though the fight was pretty amusing to watch

"K Dad" they both said as they shook hands before wiping in on their clothes. These two.

"Did you know she was roaming with some random guy at 2." Jacob said which made me glance at Piper in shock.

I'm totally missing out a lot here.

"What?" I shrieked.

"It was Slyvester, chill."

"Oh, then it's okay." I said in relief.

"What do you mean it's okay???? Seriously bro?" Jacob looked at me with annoyance or more like I'd betrayed him.

"Yeah, she knows him. But P you should've at least received the call."

"Sorry bout that I forgot my phone at home. We had a good time Hayden. We went to a small concert. The band members were friends with Slyvester, they were all so cool. I can't wait to go again."

"You should join us someday!" She told me excitedly.

"Count me in already." I said.

"So y'all are just gonna plan right in front of me and just exclude me?" Jacob pouted.

We both shrugged and he rolled his eyes.

"Sooooo, I got one more note." I spilled.

"What!!!!!!!!" Piper yelled "When? What did it say?"

"At the mall, said something rubbish I don't remember but.."

"But what?"

"I think it's Brittany"

"Bro, I ain't gonna lie but that thought crossed my mind the first time you got it." She said

"But why do you think?" She asked getting comfortable in her seat, looking all interested.

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