Letter 24

16 4 2

"New Friendship"


As we entered the ward, Complicated by Avril Lavigne played on a top volume.

Jess sat on the bed while her mum feed her soup with a spoon.

"HEY" she yelled and threw her arms out for a hug as soon as she saw us.

I honestly can't believe I met this girl yesterday and we are already friends. Jessica is the kind of person you wouldn't be afraid to be yourself with.

She turned the volume low enough so we could hear each other.

I went ahead and gave her a tight hug, then she threw her arms out for Piper, but Jake hugged her instead but after him, Piper went in for a hug.

"I'm so happy to see y'all, I cannot explain!!" She said, the energy matching her words.

"For you," Piper held out the flowers we bought. "From us." she added.

"Aw these are so beautiful, just like you, pretty." she held her arms out for a hug again.

"I'm glad you liked it." Piper said genuinely smiling.

"Don't mind her she is always this loud." Her mom said cringing a little.

"Yes, we noticed that." Jake replied.

"Thanks for visiting her, she talked about you a lot. Thanks again for yesterday." Her mom Vanessa told me.

"I hope only good things!" I said before letting out nervous laughter. I mean she still doesn't know much about me.

"Of course, but we already heard a lot about you, you have always been a good disciplined kid. you always had the best grades in school, never been a troublemaker, got into the best college with scholarships. And also played on your team." she said with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Dang, sounds like someone who would have a sugar baby in their 80's, who is with them for the money but wouldn't believe that instead conceal it with Love doesn't have age." Jess complained.

I gave her a confused look. Does that even make sense?

"Keep it simple, it's 11 AM some of my brain cells are still asleep to understand what you mean." I said rolling my eyes.

"I mean, love isn't to love without selflessness, just like that what's life without a little wildness, trouble, and mess?" She explained.

It still didn't make sense to me. I mean I love having my life organized, I love having control over it. It's easier and better that way. So what's wrong with that?

"RIGHT???? I've been telling him that for ages!" Jake yelled, the first time agreeing on something that came out of Jessica's mouth.

I mean I get that a lot. Sometimes I do feel I'm an 80-year-old stuck in the body of 19 year old.

But sometimes I'm like what's so boring or different about my life when all I do is things a normal teenager would.

Do I avoid going to parties? Yes.

Do I avoid getting into fights? Yes.

Do I love to mind my own business? Yes.

Do I love drinking until I pass out? No.

Do I love fucking every single girl I laid my eyes on? No.

Is this what they call "the wildness of life?" Then I don't want it. Then I'll choose to be a pick me boy in Jacob's ex-friend, Kyler's words.

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