Letter 27

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"How could you do this to me, I thought you loved me." She cried taking a step back from me.

She was in my room? How the fuck did she got her?

"I do, I really do. You're my whole fucking world. I would never hurt you." I cried as I held her hands. She bragged her hands out of my grip. As she pushed me away.

"You know what, it's not your fault, it's mine for trusting you and loving you the way that I do." She said in a shattered voice.

"But not anymore, I've had enough. Don't show me your face again. You're my worse mistake." She cried and ran away from me.

I just stood their trying to register her words.

Her yowl brought me back to reality, I dashed outside.

The bloodstains all over my stairs caught my attention. Not a single stair was bloodless. I followed the blood marks.

My heart thumped louder than anything, I swallowed my breathe as I opened the door. The blood waved out like someone let the tap full of blood open.

"Stop" I screamed breathing uncontrollably.


It was Dream? Oh my god.

I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand, that was covered with sweat.

What the fuck. Why did that dream felt so real?

Without thinking I ran towards my door, scanning the stairs I sighed in relief. No blood spotted.

This has to be the worse dream I ever had.

My body was sweating as if I just run a mile. My breaths are still faster than ever.

I walked towards my bathroom.

My eyes were teary like I've been crying. My face was covered entirely sweat. I took a handful of water before splashing it on my face forcefully.

I sat on the edge of my bathtub behind and tried to calm myself down.

'it was just a dream, it was just a dream' I kept chanting.

The knock on the door brought me back to my sense.  I walked as I  rolled the knob, my mom was stand outside.

I gave her a confused look but she just bragged in.

"Nightmares again?" She asked as it's a normal thing she took a seat on my bed.

I just nodded before laying on my bed and placing my head on her lap. She caressed my hair softly with her fingers.

"Did my voice wake you up?" I asked.

"Yeah, you screamed."

"Sorry for ruining your sleep." I apologized.

"Hey, I'm your mom. I've stayed up for you when I held you in my tummy for 9 months, you wouldn't stop moving, we thought you would be great a dancer but turns out to be wrong. And then when you were born you use to start crying as soon as I close my eyes for seconds ." She complained which didn't really sounded like a complaint.

"Hey I'm not that bad of dancer, and I'm really in sleep debt then, I owe you too much. But whats with mother's always reminding the held you 9 months in my belly, I mean that place was kind scary bloody and dark you should have seen." I said.

"Bro I know, I look like a freaking angel but i haven't really fallen from heaven, and you don't owe me anything apart from you being happy, really happy that's the only thing that would repay my debt."

"I love you, mommy." I said awkwardly chuckling, that has to be the first time I said this ever since I got in my teens.

"See this is what my actual reward is. You owe me more I love yous. And I love you more baby." She said like I'm an actual baby.

"Huh? don't get used to it, I just said that today because I ruined your sleep." I joked.

"Mom, since when did I start having these nightmares.? I asked out of curiosity.

"Lets not talk about it but I think one year or something, you want to talk to Samantha again?" She asked like she's not sure.

Samantha is my mom's friend, whose also a therapist. She's really sweet.

"Oh, and no I think I'm okay!" I replied. I'm okay, and kinda a sociopath for loving a girl whose nothing but a nightmare.

The dream today was weirder and horrible than the one I had in past.

I need to meet Jake and Piper tomorrow and discuss, but is that a good idea? I'm done crying over same issue in front of them over and over again. What if they get bored of me and my same rants and leave me one day? I know they won't be still what if I'm someone they don't want around.

"Don't think too much, just go to sleep." She order before caressing my hair which made me fall asleep in seconds.




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