37. Danger

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The changing rooms of this place were huge.

There were changing rooms for regular customers, where Taehyung saw a woman go in with a bunch of clothes, just as Y/N gave that red dress to him and a few others too; a blue one with sparkly dyed fabric, a pink and purple one. The girl, unlike the regular customers, was guided to a special changing room set for vip guests, courtesy of Tae letting the workers know who she was. Taehyung followed in too, with her clothes dangling from his fingers by hangers, a bit lost as to why he was going, but he saw why.

The room was large with many pieces of furniture along the walls; benches and a settee on the far corner. A curtain was up against a railing, indicating the place where Y/N would have to change. Still, something about this was a bit unsettling. Not so much for Tae, but definitely for the younger female who stood there awkwardly as the doors closed.

Taehyung couldn't be bothered much as he set the dresses on a bench and sat down beside the pile. He looked up at her and she followed him to check the dresses out.

"This is so new to me," a nervous chuckle left her lips as she picked a dress and put it aside, then another, and another until her hands gripped the red dress she had been eyeing since her hands had grazed it. "Have you... uh, d'you come here often?"

"A few times," Tae nodded as he looked up at her. He rolled his head around as if it hurt him to keep in a stiff position. His head did hurt, there was a throbbing ache residing in the confines of his cranium, and more than anything he wanted to go home. Go to Jimin's or Jaeseong's, but just lay dead for even a small while.

He couldn't, though. He had duties. He had responsibilities to fulfill.

"Yoo Jaeseong comes here sometimes and I have to accompany him for, y'know, stuff," he said a little distractedly.

She nodded and gestured to the outfit in her hands, indicating that she were going to change. Tae looked away after acknowledging that and the quiet flowed through the atmosphere, suddenly so unsettling.

It felt different this time, like something was going on. Something tense that Tae didn't know about. He shook his head to shake off these suspicions, it was probably the fact that there was nothing but a thick curtain separating them. Not that it must've mattered, because Taehyung could be trusted of course.

There were sounds of clothes ruffling and the blackheaded boy's own shoes scuffing against the floor, noise from outside muffled against the door, but that was it. After a few minutes, Y/N stepped out from behind the curtain and cleared her throat. The elder took it as a cue to slowly turn his head around and look at her.

The girl's hair were open and fell on her shoulders, the clip once securing them gone. The dress fit her perfectly, hugged and showed her curves prettily. It was a floor length dress but when she stepped forward, raising the skirt, he could see the pair of tights and her black shoes underneath. They'd have to get a new pair of heels to match this dress too, Tae made a mental note to himself.

"How do I look?" She smiled softly and twirled around, her dress swaying in the process, when she was an arm's length away from the elder. He stood up and brushed a lock of her hair away, then skimmed his eyes down her form, retracting them up just as quickly.

"You look beautiful," he praised his friend with a mirroring smile of his won. "Beyond words. Is this the one you'd like to buy? Do you want to check out the other dresses too?"

The girl shook her head and glanced back at them. Not only was she biased towards the one she wore, but she also looked a bit distracted. Taehyung tilted his head and asked her if there was anything on her mind.

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