1. Party Time!

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"You won't be going."

  Silence. In reply to his boss' statement, he didn't say anything. He knew it well, that YJ would no way in hell let him go. So he dropped his silver head to study his knees.

  He was sitting on a sofa, luxurious and expensive, with his dictator across from him. But as YJ said this, he had gotten up and now crossed his arms in front of the silver-haired guy. No words were spoken after, the boss narowing his eyes at him before walking closer.

  He noticed YJ coming closer and raised his face to see. The other man put one of his knees on the sofa beside the silver-head's legs, a hand on the back of the sofa beside his head. The other slowly caressed his face that was inches away from the dictator himself.

  "You have to understand," he almost whispered in his ear, hot breath fanning his hair. "You're mine now, no longer a typical Korean like them. You're special. But you must forget your past, because this is where you belong."

  A boss had the typical and vital property of being authoritative and steel-like. His boss was like that. In front of others; business men, guards, workers, etc., he almost wasn't even human. But with his right-hand man, he was nothing like that. He was soft, and rather understanding, even though sometimes comanding, YJ would immediately turn to being caring if that even was the word to describe it.

  But say that in front of his workers, and they'll call you a maniac. YJ was ruthless, and he was notorious for that.

"Y-yes," he gulped. "I won't go."

Which was why he was still scared of him.



  "Come on! I want you to meet my friends," he pleaded you.

  "One, I've already met you're friends. And two, what are you trying to do, set me up with one of them?" You cocked an eyebrow at your friend whose big doe eyes were playing their aegyo at you.

  "Well... I wouldn't mind that- but please! I promised them I'd- Taehyung did too. Do it for Tae-hyung. It's been a year since you last saw him. And Jisu. Let's celebrate reunion, huh?" He tried to persuade you, motioning with his hands here and there as he wouldn't sit still on your bed. You stood before him and crossed your arms.


  You reluctantly agreed. Initially, you didn't want to go because you were feeling low for some reason. Cutting off social connections at such a time was usually what you'd prefer. But since Jungkook had oh-so lovingly come and invited you to a party, you decided to change your mind. Maybe there'll be good food, or you'll actually find someone charming other than Seokjin-ssi.

  Who were you kidding, all of Jungkook's friends were charming.

"Yes! Party time!!" Your friend hooted.

  Delighted, he hopped off the bed and went over to your closet, opening it and looking through the neatly hung ironed clothes on the handle inside it. "What is it with you trying to so hard to persuade me to go?" You raised an eyebrow from behind him.

  "Mom wouldn't let me go without you- oops," Jungkook spilled as you gave his head a hard knock. So that was the catch. Jungkook picked a dress and pulled it out, but you denied wearing it. You felt it was a bit too revealing. Gosh, darn the person who bought this for you.

  You had one week left until your new school session started. And now, Jungkook was at your home. You didn't find it strange or anything because not only was he a family friend now, but also your brother's friend.

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