25. Revisiting

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"You ready?"

  "Dunno. I mean I can't walk so- hey! What are you doing?!"

  The next day had arrived already. After staying at the hospital for a whole day, only brief moments of guests visiting you, it was now time to go home. And by home, I mean Jimin's home.

  Said man had cleared the charges of the hospital by himself when he got to know that Mr. Lee did not have a clue that his daughter had been injured. But you weren't to know that. You yourself did not have an idea about it not did you pay mind to the fact since the blonde had ushered the thought away. Your clothes had been sent to his house. He hadn't come to your room that night after Soohyun left but he did call you when you were dozing off while reading RM's motivated words about how nothing in this world stays the same and how we should learn to let things go. In all honesty, you had never thought much about the incident of the function but when Jimin called you late to apologize for not coming and telling you that he had to check some CCTV footage they had found, you knew he had. He had probably thought a lot about it.

  "I wouldn't be angry even if your excuse was just 'I was tired'." You had smiled sleepily as you heard his frantic words. He had filled you in about what he had seen on the footage- about Taemin running and you told him what you saw when you were on stage, not missing a single detail. This confirmed that your friend really was a hero. As soon as the important talk and info exchange was over, you ironically apologized to your crush saying that you were sleepy and hung up.

  He came the next morning with some clothes that the nurse helped you to wear and then peaked in to ask if you were ready. You were in an oversized shirt that smelt sweetly of Jimin along with a pair of trousers and coat to save you from the mildly cold weather. All Jimin's clothes. How could you walk though? Your left leg was in no condition to be putting the slightest pressure.

  Wrapping your arms around his neck with your heart beating loudly (you hoped he didn't notice) you asked him if you'd get crutches. "Of course. I can't be carrying you everywhere you go. But for now, this'll have to do." With you cradled in his arms, he effortlessly went down the stairs and out of the hospital, managing to open his car door and place you on the passenger's seat. Then he turned around and disappeared into the building after murmuring something about completing a few things.

  Soon you both were on your way home, with a single crutch on the back seat that made you low-key nervous.

  "What're you thinking?" The elder asked when he glanced at you while driving.

  "About how stupid I'll look once I go back to school. When is it restarting?"

  "Soon," he chuckled, stopping the car and opened the door to get out. "We're here. For now, you should take some rest," you gave him a nod and waited until he parked his black Toyota in and then helped you out, giving you the support to lever yourself upon. Then you both went in the house.

  "I had always wanted to walk in crutches," you commented as you went towards the lounge only to be met with an enthusiastic little girl who pulled you to show the flowers that she had taken care of. They sat in a small vase on the coffee table and although they were a bit withered you still awed and congratulated her on it. They would be thrown away after a day or two though. You decided not to think more about it.

  "How was the hospital Y/N-ah?" Soohyun asked you after you had seated yourself on the couch.

  "Um, well... I must say that if I were to look after my leg, it would be a good few weeks before I'd get discharged."

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