4. Strike Three

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  Just another day. You were balancing your pencil on your lips that formed a pout as you were done with your Maths work. Mr. Park was reading the big book of Maths that your class had to finish by the end of the sessions.

  There was something in the air- like a message, and you sensed it.

Something was gonna happen.

  As if the mere thought willed itself to action, your phone started playing the tune of your favourite song which caused you to jump out of your seat, your pencil falling down in the process.

Damn, your phone was RINGING!!!

  Your teacher's redhead snapped in your direction. He was annoyed.

  Not only that, but almost the whole class had their eyes fixed on you. You quickly jerked out the phone from your skirt's pocket and swiped across the screen to deny the call.

Your younger brother's call.

  You sighed in relief. Your brother had probably set you up. You never put the sound system of your phone on full volume, it was just too annoying, but your brother might've tampered with your phone last night when you left it on the table.

  You looked over to the teacher's desk, only to find the man missing.

You gulped.

  Your freaking teacher was missing! That meant only one thing.

  You heard breathing behind you. So close that you didn't dare move. But before you could turn around, your phone was swiftly confiscated from your hands, the metal box dangling in front of you.

You dare not move.

  "Ms. Lee, I hope that this is in your acknowledgement already, but cell-phones are not permitted in my class," your teacher stated from behind you. You could feel him bent slightly as the voice was quite near your ear. "Detention. And I'll be taking this."

  Mr. Park then pulled his hand away from in front of your face and went to his desk placing the phone in his drawer.

  Freaking drawer, your blank mind said. You completely zoned out. Your phone was quite new, you got it for your birthday this year. And losing it meant indirect suicide.

The fear of your parents.

  Not only that, but this was strike three. Your parents were going to get called- oh wait, they won't come because they'll probably be working, but they'll surely get a message and scold you at home. What's the worst that could happen? No mobile phone, no wifi, no extra activies, hella focus on studies... you'll probably die with this situation.

  You remained silent for the rest of the class. Yep, those cringey fictions had this type of trauma- either the girl would be texting during class or something similar. And then the phone was taken.

  You felt disgusted by the situation happening to you now. Disgusted, and embarrassed. You made a fool of yourself in front of the class.

  Soon, the bell rang signalling recess. You wanted to stay in class and see whether your teacher decided to check your phone out since you didn't put a password yet, but not only did Jungkook and Hyejin drag you out, but also the fact that there was no other student in class which meant that it would be damn awkward for you to sit in the middle of the classroom and stare at your teacher with angst as if his red hair were a danger symbol.

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