16. Such a Tease

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The past few weeks had been... fun?

  The topic that your group was currently working on (amidst their mid-terms) was about the kpop industry. The function was to be held after the winter break (and mid-terms) as not only a farewell to the eldest class (yours now) but also as a tradition that had been held every year in this high school. Many times, even heads of big companies would come to witness the talents of the young generation and give them a chance to make these talents their careers.

  Well, the practice sessions that your school had in the zero period that they created would be stopped roughly two weeks before mid-terms, and then continue for a few weeks after winter break after which the Annual Function would be held in February next year.

  That aside for now, another thing that had changed in the past few weeks was that Yoongi and Hoseok would often come to Jimin's house. Hoseok would seldom come- probably because he had a café to run, but Yoongi would be there almost everyday as he came for some paperwork with Soohyun. The first day that happened (when the 3J dance occured) Yoongi had been nice and formal to you at Jimin's and had asked you random things any ajhussi would ask a young person. But when the days passed, he began.... how do I put it? Bullying you.

  Yes, it's kind of hard to believe how a mature person such as this lawyer himself would bully you, but he'd rather not lose his swag. You two had become rather close with the casual meetings and gradually the elder man started to tease you by ruffling your hair messily, or flicking his finger to your forehead. He started to act like an annoying older brother, but you had to admit, you didn't really mind. You had disturbed his sleep once anyway. And if Hoseok was ever around, you'd take shield behind the cheery one and not Jimin because when he wasn't tutoring you, he'd be doing his police work with intensity or looking after his dongsaeng Tae.

  The thought would often bug you, but your friend would not be home much and when he was, his eyes would look so tired above the fake rectangular smile that he would aim your way. Whenever you raised your head from solving problems to see him coming home late, give you that smile, you would always see Jimin following him to his room and then you would hear faint voices of Jimin asking the younger where he had been and how much worried he was for him, but Taehyung had seemed to want to avoid it. In all honesty, you were worried too, so when you had once taken some time to ask him why he was like this, your dearest silver headed friend played around with that topic and changed it. You decided to leave it as it was then, not pushing him.

  Then there was Yoona who would always try to distract you from your work. If it wouldn't be for your tutor or her mother, you would be saying goodbye to your grades, but thankfully that did not happen. Jungkook would also stop by occasionally either at your own place or Jimin's. If it was yours, you'd be playing video games with him, if Jimin then you both would be playing with Yoona.

  Your house was in a rather neutral position. No fights or tantrums unless you counted the small ones. Your brother bugging you, your mother pestering you and the fact that your parents were somewhat wrapped in some important business affairs- some sort of loss maybe, but you didn't know. It seemed as if it wasn't your place to do so.

  School was also something. Ignoring a confession letter you got from a junior student; Hyejin was someone whose actions were starting to confuse you. In short, you both didn't have much time together and when you did, she wouldn't really be up for a talk. Minha, on the other hand, had her group reduced to three- the two girls who weren't even your classmates (the ones who had bullied you) wouldn't be seen near her but bullied you separately. Minha and her group had reduced themselves to teasing you and vexing you every now and then.

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