17. Temporarily Free

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Weeks Later:

  The moment he regained his consiousness, he was out.

  Clutching his phone tightly in his hand, the same old scarf draped over his shoulders and hiding half his face from the gushing wind and dull baggy clothes on, he made quick steps towards his desired destination. His gun was at the penthouse he was heading to, the only other thing that he needed for his purpose. Tae walked along the length of the road in the early winter morning where he could see different colours of black, blue and greyish whites mixing with the yellows and orange of the sun like abstract. The corners of the sky were still a dull blue fading outwards in a darker shade. YJ had called him to meet urgently and he knew what would happen if he made an excuse: his boss will find him and cage him in forever. He also knew what this 'urgent' could mean- that it was either a meeting they had to go to, or someone that YJ would like his right-hand man to assassinate someone.

  Nevertheless, Taehyung was tensed up. His brows furrowed against the harsh wind blowing in his face and flushing his cheeks. It hadn't snowed since quite a while and he couldn't even remember the last time it did probably because he was too wrapped up in his own problems to notice that in the first place. Sometimes he wished he could escape all this he dragged himself into, go live at the countryside with a blooming little family, but then his mind would flicker to the time he saw the lifeless body of his father; and his heart would fill with rage, his eyes burning.

  He knew he couldn't escape yet, and he wasn't willing to anyway.



You sighed in relief. "Wooh!"

  Today; the last day of school- before the winter break- and also the last mid-term exam day. Today; starting now, you were free!

Temporarily, but yeah.

  As you walked through the hallway, out of the examination hall with your bag swinging from your shoulder, you smiled cheekily and wondered if your smile could get any wider when you looked at your reflection through a window. It was your Maths exam today, and you had been reminded of Park Jimin every time you would solve a question, recalling how you did the one with this procedure with the help of your tutor, or that one at school, or these ones where you got praises from the elder male. It just made your day. Those three hours- hell they may be for any other student- they were pure bliss for you.

  When you had reached school today, your interactions were reduced to only the redhead teacher who had commented after greeting, 'today's the Maths exam, right Y/N? Don't stress yourself, and I know that you can get full marks in your test. Fighting!' You had nodded nervously at him back then, still not confident even after doing the mock tests yesterday at his home.

  But now? Now you wanted to freaking hug your teacher- no, squeeze the air out of his lungs because you knew that the answers to all your questions were correct- courtesy of after-exam discussion.

  You set foot to find Jungkook and Hyejin to express your happiness with them as well as ask them about their exam. Maybe find Taemin or Ayesha along the way too and hang with them for a bit. Now that the exam was over, most of the students were flooding out the gates of the school with cheeky smiles and contented shouts. You knew that they were going to go clubbing (if any were eighteen) or maybe at some restaurant or so. Anyhow, everyone was happy.

  But the question stood, will you be by the end of the day?

  You sighed when you couldn't find them in the main grounds or halls. Deciding to go to the roof, you opened the door just in time to see a certain boy that hadn't been in your sight for a few weeks now.

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