38. Hostage

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The company was wrapped up in a bundle of hustle.

  It was evening by now, the hues outside the building getting darker and darker, smushed together to create vibrant shades until the sun gave up, retired, and hid away from everything. All of this happened in slow motion, gradually, with time. There was no time, however, for news spread like the Flash, like fire and created havoc everywhere.

  There were loud sirens outside the building and a few people rushing inside. There were telephones ringing repeatedly and not enough people to attend the calls at this hour of the night. A sinister sort of atmosphere spiralled around everyone who knew of the secret, a fear rested in the hearts of everyone, what will become of them?

  Chanyeol barged in the office room, looking restless as ever. His eyes ran over the expanse of the area, the furniture, the books and everything, before settling on the figure that sat on the chair. A moment of silence passed over the two of them, all alone in the room. Then, the door slammed shut behind them, startling both.

  Mr. Lee looked up from his desktop screen, eyes hardening as they made eye contact. Chan stood his ground, trying to remain as much professional as he could, but it was hard under that gaze. He felt as if he was shrinking to the size of a mouse, so small and so vulnerable before higher authority. Still, he had to face the situation. Handle it somehow.

  "Where's my daughter?" Were the first words spoken in the thick silence, slicing the air with its sharp edges.

  Chanyeol swallowed before opening his mouth, feeling his tongue go dry. "I- we're searching for her, Mr. Lee, please do not worry. The cops are spread across the city, tracking every–"

  "You said you had control? You assured me that you would protect Y/N with the best of your abilities." "

"We- we did, we tried our best, but–"

  "But? You mean to say that informant Kim wasn't trustworthy and you can't place track on suspect Yoo? Is that what you're trying to tell me? Is that the efficiency of your force?"

  The cop took a deep breath, looked down at the floor. What did he have to say? The deed was done, the station was in a frenzy of chaos, yet no leads were found. They reached multiple dead ends within hours, the darkness of hopelessness prevailing. What could he do? Nothing made sense, nothing was in his control. He had to find a way to fix it somehow, just needed to figure out how.

  "Sir, with all due respect, Kim Taehyung is a trustworthy member of the force," he had a hard time believing his own words for now. "He just... acts on self-motivated needs."

"He has a personal motive in this?"

  "Ah- not like that! I mean, he's sort of a... a- a vigilante! We trust him enough to help us fix this mess."

  Mr. Lee narrowed his eyes at the other. Chan's eyes, on the contrary, were wide open, could see the rising anger in the elder. He was like a scared deer now, caught by the hunter's gun.  He had to run, yet was frozen. He needed to calm the other down first, before making further plans.

  "He backstabbed you, kidnapped my daughter and you're still defending him!" The man stood up abruptly, his chair pushed back with considerable force making Chan flinch. "I'm warning you, Chanyeol, if Y/N doesn't make it back alive and well, things will not end well for you."

"Y-yes. Yes Mr. Lee, I understand."

"What are you waiting for then?"



"Well what are you waiting for?"

  You shuddered. A strip of cloth was in your hands, fingers trembling, and you just stared at Taehyung. Just looked at him, like he was asking you to do something questionable, something completely absurd.

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