20. Midnight Horrors

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  The chunk of yesterday's conversation roamed in your head as you got ready for work. You had to decide where you were going to be staying, call to check in if the family was willing, and then inform dad too! After the momentary excitement of having a change in your lifestyle, your head started to get to work.

  Right now, the choices were this: Ayesha's house because it was the most convenient (she was your neighbour after all) and welcoming. Jungkook's apartment that was very welcoming too (you were family friends) but you didn't want to be an inconvenience just in case. Hyejin's apartment- wait no. Scratch that. And then... Jimin's house was also an option but you weren't sure if it was okay.

  You had two options at hand now; Ayesha's or Jimin's (that would be translated to Soohyun's in front of your parents). You started to wonder at some point why Jimin had even been an option in the first place, so you simply decided to call Ayesha.

  When called, the girl reminded you that they were away on vacations before you could even voice out why you had called in the first place. You hit the palm of your hand to your forehead as you remembered and turned the conversation around saying that you were just missing her.

Well, that happened.

  You had until the end of the day to tell your dad where you would be staying- in fact, your family was going to go tonight which meant you needed to move in today. You took out a bag to put the necessary belongings worth a few days while contemplating on what to do. You threw a few pairs of clothes in, along with a pack of toiletries, some other self-care stuff and some other things you thought you might need until the weight of the bag was reasonably full. If the packing problem was out of the way, maybe you could more easily decide your fate. There wasn't any relative's house in the city, all very far away so your choices were very limited.


  You had spent the day at the café as you zoned in and out thinking of where you were going to stay. You had no where you could easily go to, and asking Jimin was... well, hard. You weren't really ready to ask him that and thought it would be quite a hassle for him too. You didn't want to be an inconvenience.

  The evening came closer and you saw the blonde male at the booth, inviting you to sit with him. Your shift was about to end so you picked up two hot chocolates and went over to him, giving him one and taking one for yourself. The weather was exceptionally cold today and even the thick coat you had on that went to your mid-thigh didn't help in keeping you warm. Hot chocolate was a great help though.

  "In 5. 4.. 3.. 2... 1, and....... over!" You cheered an took a well deserved sip of your drink. "Now I can loom my thoughts over my other problem."

  "Your shift's over?" Jimin chuckled as he leaned forward, gripping his cup in both his hands to let its warmth spread to him. You nodded. "What's your 'other problem' then?" You explained to him that your family was going away for business and you didn't want to. Instead, you needed a place to stay but didn't know where to go. "Oh? If you need a place to stay then you can stay over at mine. I've got plenty of space."

  At his words, you looked at him incredulously, your eyes sparkled in admiration as you bit the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from smiling. In defeat, you broke into a grin that the older male copied in an unsure manner. Your grin only widened at the sight without any words spoken.

  "Uh... why are we smiling like this?" He asked behind his bared teeth still unsure whether to break his grin off or not. You started laughing at this and he smiled at you.

  "Jiminie..." you said between your laughs. "You're the best."

  "I'm most things good," he agreed, leaning back to drink from his cup.

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