33. Irony

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He was running as fast as he could.

  His shoes splashed water at every puddle his feet landed upon, dirtying his trousers. But the damn car was the problem. Didn't matter though, they weren't that far.

  The night was stark, fresh and cool from the rain that had occurred the night before. The roads were slippery, so it may be a good thing that he didn't have his car with. He was better off with his feet anyway, faster, more agile.

"Hey, wait up-"

"Call reinforcements!"

  There was just the damnest feeling he had, and he wouldn't let it slip away. That bastard Han had been tricking him, and hurting his noona for so long that he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he got away. There had been plans, and he had overheard those plans, and Han's mask had fallen off too, and now they were enemies.

  The search and arrest warrant was clutched tightly in his hands and he was sure that police cars would follow him in minutes if not seconds, and think of him as crazy. But what he had found out about the case was surely much worse than that.

  Large companies were at a meet up in the building in sight. Daehan Securities Company, Seomyu-Gaebal Company, L&D Banks, ST Gaming Company and especially Yoo-Jegug Trading Company- these were the pawns in the game. And Yoo-Jegug was the king, the manipulator who had them underneath him. If he heard correct, then that building would be on fire by the end of the meeting and Jegug would own at least Daehan Securities as the outcome.

  Lives were at stake- and Jimin had to hurry! Han, that wretched right-hand man of the mafia king that his team had been working on was the real mastermind. His actions were at the cost of death by the law. And tonight, one of them would surely win.

  By the time Jimin reached the door of the building, he heard distant sounds of sirens which indicated that Sungwoon had called the men. There were two guards at the door who denied access at which the man shoved the 'search and arrest' warrant in their faces. Sungwoon caught up to them. He was breathing heavily, just like Jimin.

  "We cannot let yo-" the guard started in an authoritative voice but the younger punched him in the face. He reeled back, and the other man marched to him but Sungwoon handled him. Jimin pushed his guard back and knocked him down, just as his friend knocked the other one.

  "Let's go," the cop said and marched forward. The police force came behind him and Sungwoon into the building and Sungwoon gave them directions to search around. There were men at duty posts all around, and the police had to fight them which caused havoc all around. Jimin ran for the elevator and smashed the button, and when the doors opened, he was met with what had itched his hands all along.

Soohyun's husband; Han whatever-his-first-name-was.

  There were two men behind him, most probably bodyguards from DHS company. Han had an expression of surprise for a split second but didn't look shocked at seeing Jimin here. As if he was expecting it. He mumbled his gaurds to 'get him' at which they hurled themselves at the youngest.

  Being quick, the cop kicked one of the men and pushed the other before running behind the escaping Han. The guards recovered quick and followed after him but another policeman came to help, taking on one of them. Jimin punched the other guard square in the face and kicked Han to make him fall on the floor. The guard had his nose broken, Han got his gun out.

  "Did you really think I'd come here without a gu- argh!" He fell to the ground abruptly, his weapon flying away. Jimin's eyes jumped from him to the person who attacked him. Chanyeol, with a taser. He visibly shuddered before running to catch the gun.

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