14. Save Me

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  Your eyes closed, you lost track of time, but then you felt someone shaking you, and were waken up again.

  It was 11:45 now. You had some shut-eye for literally almost half an hour before- wait, who was it? Oh- your brother shook you awake.

  "Y/N," he loudly whispered to you. You had gotten in bed at ten. After more than an hour of tossing and turning, and restlessness, you just got what you wanted when some frickin' somebody ruined your sleep. "Y/N, there's somebo-"

  "Darn you, I just slept! Do you wanna get killed!?" You whisper-shouted to him, shooting him daggers through your drowsy eyes. It really seemed a wonder how your brother changed himself at night. Acted cowardly.

  "There's someone outside! I don't want to disturb anyone else, just check the-"

  "Oh, so disturbing me is gonna help you! Go to sleep, I'll check it out!" You agressively told him as you took full advantage of the helpless state he was in. How dependable he was. You rubbed your eyes while Dongseok made his way out of your room. Your throat ached so much and so did your nose. Once he was out and surely in his room, you tried to get up and sat upright. It was after a lot of complaining when you really threw the sheets away and got up.

  Wearing your fluffy shoes, you came out of your room with a glass of water and decided to see what your brother was talking about in the balcony. So you opened the doors trying not to make a sound and after a few steps towards the railing, peeked down.

Damn, Dongseok was right.

  A shaggy man was moving around in your house area of the street. He was mostly in black and dark colors; thanks to the streetlights around, had probably put a lot of layers to be safe from the winter. He walked around in planned circles, his eyes on the ground but looked up and around every once in a while. You stared at him while your mind sent alert signals to your whole body and worked its way to find a plan to do something about this. You froze, didn't know what to do in the cold and misty night upon seeing a suspicious man. Maybe just leave it and try to go back to sleep? What if he broke in? The thoughts made you shiver.

  But just then, he looked up. Straight at you. It was as if he knew you had been, or would look down at him through this very spot where you were standing. His eyes didn't waver; as soon as he looked up his eyes were met by yours with a knowingly dangerous glint and you just knew this was bad. Very bad.

  You got scared, as a reflex quickly pushed yourself back from his view as you tripped and fell on the cold hard floor. The water from the glass in your hand spilled and your heart was pounding loudly in your ears. You wondered for a moment if the man down there could hear it or not. Fear dominated your mind. You gulped, wanted to look down just to see what was going on there, yet too scared to do it. You quickly scrambled to your feet and ushered yourself to the other side of the balcony, closing the doors and not forgetting the locks.

  You tried to calm yourself down. "Okay, there's a suspicious man roaming outside our house. So what?" You walked down the stairs and went over to the kitchen area to put the glass. You were kinda feeling hungry right now. It was past twelve, but you ignored the messages your brain was sending to you: eat. You wanted to sleep but weren't going back up, it was too cold in your room. And anyway, your nose was still facing problems breathing; worse actually, so you might as well opt for the guest room that was downstairs and one of the warmest rooms.

  You got into bed and positioned the four pillows (2 soft and 2 hard) that were there, all in different ways. One soft pillow beneath your head, the other you were hugging. One hard pillow on your right side, the other on your left.

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