19. His Wedding

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  "She was literally the talk of my café!" Hoseok concluded, doubling over as he laughed. 

  The café; closed for now. Jimin came over when his job for the day had been finished and you had yet to go home. You three were the only people out in the lounge, sitting in a booth as it was past closing time. Hoseok and Jimin each had a warm drink clutched in their hands while you had opted for a cool one- even in this cold weather. Morning may be the time to get the warmth of coffee or expresso but when night fell, all that was needed was something to cool your system down after a harsh (and sometimes not) day.

  Your eyes were set on Jimin as you bit your lip, keeping track on every wrinkle that formed on his face and determined a change in his expression. For some reason you really wanted to know how he would respond to this. His eyes shifted from Hobi to you and he raised a brow in appreciation. "Wow, I didn't know you were capable of that kitten," he chuckled as he sipped his drink.

  "Oh I'm capable of more than that," with a suggestive tone, you copied his motion of wrapping both hands around your glass and taking a sip after grinning.

  Hoseok let out a loud laugh at this. "Feisty! I like it."

  The blonde simply shook his head, the upturn of his lips refusing leave his face. "Well, we'll have to see that in the shooting range then," he remarked as his upper body backed a bit to lean against the chair in a relaxed manner.

"Sh-shooting range?"

"Shooting range...??"

  Both yours and Hoseok's eyes were now fixed on the shorter male who was drinking from his cup indifferently. The only difference between the gazes was that Hoseok's gaze was a bit frightened while yours was plain curious. "De." He set down his drink and locked his gaze with you. "Your father wants you to learn how to handle firearms- for your safety."

"Oh wow..."


  While the brunette's lips had made the shape of a triangle, you showed the totally opposite reaction. It excited you, the sudden rush of adrenaline when you imagined yourself handling a gun, fingers gripping onto its trigger and when you pulled it- bang! With a recoil that your whole body would feel like vibrations, a loud deafening noise that would be muffled as soon as it would hit against the targe-

  Your expression suddenly blanked. Jimin, who was grinning at your beaming face was now questioning why your switch had suddenly turned. Why you at once changed your emotion. This- this went down a deeper form of history.

  "Y/N-ah, what happened?" It was that gruesome memory you had experienced a fresh week ago which made its way into your mind. The loud bang of a handgun from basically nowhere and a dead man with a horrifyingly ruined face falling to the ground with a thud, blood splattering everywhere. Oh how you wished it would only be just that one memory, but another one made its way to your brain too. One that included fire and guns and bullets and murder and terror and extreme terror at that. You took in a deep shaky breath and let it out slowly. Your chest felt much constricted and you wanted to down something cool to make that feeling go away. When you opened your eyes, you put on fake smile for the two men who looked at you questioningly.

"Are you okay...?" Hoseok asked.

  "I'm fine," you said as you brought your glass to your lips. It suddenly felt hotter in here. "It's just the... y'know, that ugly scene from last week? Ha, that flashed in my mind for a sec." Nervous chuckles came out of your mouth to assure them it was nothing serious. Hoseok eyed Jimin and slowly nodded.

  "You sure you'll be able to handle it?" Hoseok asked again, brows furrowing. He seemed concerned for you which you greatly appreciated, but had to brush it off from him.

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