13. Cared For

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  You straightened your back after tying your shoes, then picked up the umbrella that was on the table beside you.

  The same umbrella that had sat in your bag idle since all this time.

  It was off-time. Also raining. You had come on your bike today, but decided not to take it out of the shed and drown the thing. Instead, you stood by the door, another contemplation hitting your head- should you go on foot or call your driver? Walking to your house was a bum. Your head ached and the distance was too long. But you didn't know the number of your alternate driver nor did you want to disturb your father. It wasn't that dad had already replaced the driver- well yes, that was the case, but for business reasons. The old driver was kind, and loyal; unforgettable.

  Also, you didn't want to trust the new driver. Even though you hadn't even met him.

  Pushing away these thoughts, you pulled out the list of events that happened in the hours you were at your school.

You got detention.

<You were almost sure Jimin would be absent today, once again after the many days that had passed by.

  But when you glanced at the door once again, that glance became a stare as the moment you looked up was when your teacher burst through the door, huffing.

  For a moment everyone was quiet, the only voice of the man's heavy breaths, but then the whole room erupted into whispers and murmurs. You stared at the teacher before you, only to be laughing at such a sight.

  You found it funny. Funny how once-upon-a-time you were there at the door, late. And today, your teacher was in the same spot.

Coincidences were always funny in your opinion.

  Even though the sight wasn't funny at all- amusing it might be- your giggles quieted down the whole classroom. Your eyes were closed, so when you opened them again, you were presented with an irritated redhead in front of your desk.

  Suppressing a smile, you looked up at your teacher with eyes as innocent you could make. "Miss Lee," he addressed you crossing his arms. "Such a coincidence that detention's waiting for you by the end of school."

Dayum, that burnt.>

  Yeah, it did. But you pushed the embarrassment away.

  The next thing was recess, when you felt the need for a missing Jungkook and Hyejin. You felt like an outcast, that disposable friend. You felt left out.

<You felt down by recess, but not because of studies or something. Finding yourself with Taemin yet again, you were starting to notice how Hyejin and Jungkook would go off somewhere leaving you behind. It annoyed you, how you couldn't spend time with your closest friends and had to be accompanied by others.

  "Why the long face, Y/N?" Taemin asked you casually, not much like he cared but just for the sake of conversation.

  You rolled your eyes at the vibe he was giving off. Sure, he was a good friend of yours, but an annoying one too sometimes. "My face is not long," you snapped. "Yours is."

"Is it because of detention?"

  "Psfht, no way," how could it be? The incident felt like a casualty to you. "Its Kook and Hyejin, where the hell are they?!"

  Your voice was loud enough to grab the attention of a few students at the cafeteria, but Taemin just shrugged as he munched on his food. He was used to your loudness. You gave out an exasperated sigh slumping on your seat, only to feel a reassuring tap on your shoulder just then.

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