21. Serious Shit

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A/N: I can't believe that's the title of this chp 😅😂 Anyway *clears throat*
Caution! The following chp is not for the light-hearted for it contains a richly detailed scene of torturous death.

You have been warned. (Again) 😝



  Taehyung hadn't been foreign to his orders. He just didn't know they would come hit him like a fucking train.

A bullet train at that.

  YJ was to travel halfway across Seoul which wasn't new for him, considering he had to do so often for multiple meetings and conferences and business ordeals and events and what not. All that gang activity going on inside the empire. Maybe even for a murder plan here and there with his right-hand man always accompanying him on his journeys, but it was different today. The slight bit difference that Jaeseong had brought on the day after the much unwanted wedding seemed not much to Taehyung. Or, it wouldn't have been too much if his job for tonight would be something else.

Another murder plan.

  He supposed it shouldn't have been a surprise since half the work of YJ did revolved around such things. His boss was an avid fan of torturous death. And the fact he told him just how to kill the man made it all even worse. The younger man was sweating like he hadn't done this before, yet this was wrong.

  A man with the surname Nam was his victim for tonight. How Jae would get him in the warehouse for Taehyung to meet Nam, he did not know. What he did know, however, was that the man was a traitor to YJ and had valuable information that he needed to collect- before killing him off. He had a wife and two daughters, and Jaeseong wanted Tae to send off parts of him to his family.

How excruciatingly cruel.

  Taehyung was currently in a car of his boss as the driver drove him to the location while he replayed the conversation he had with the older man. Of how Jaeseong wanted to be with him to see the act done with his own eyes and how he didn't want to be halfway across Seoul in a fucking boring meeting about some stupid shares and other shit that he knew already. Of course he knew, after all Tae had helped him collect the intel. But Mr. Yoo wanted Jae to be there and so he had gone leaving behind Tae to handle his work rather than accompany him.

  The car slowed down until it halted to a stop and Tae wondered for a moment why the dark blues and greys and blacks weren't moving outside the window before realizing that he had to get out. He opened the door, slamming it shut behind him as he straightened the black-as-night suit that he was wearing.

  Fucking suit, he thought. YJ had wanted him to wear one because it would make him look 'professional' as well as show his worth in the face of that traitor and lower-class men. Taehyung wondered if mutilating a human being was considered as 'professionalism' but then again, he couldn't be a judge of that. Who was he to know and question such etiquettes when his boss was there to tell him all about the fucking procedures.

  There was a guard at the entrance who followed him as he entered the warehouse. Once inside, he took in the sight of it at a quick glance- or at least what could be taken in with a single bulb lighting up the interior. Maybe it was past ten right now, but like he had a watch with him. No, the silver headed man was too busy to keep track of time.

  A single look at the place told him that it was abandoned; paint rundown off the concrete walls and dust piled up on every corner. Boxes and crates. There were two chairs in the middle of the room just under the light bulb with a table beside the empty one. The other chair had a man occupied, supposedly Nam who looked irritated enough. The table had a box and Taehyung knew that it wouldn't stay empty by the time he was done with this.

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