26. Scheme

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Maybe crying had been in Taehyung's fate.

  "I never want you out of my sight again," Jaeseong stepped back from the younger, intense eyes piercing through the sobbing boy. His stone-cold gaze was unwavering, but Tae could do nothing about it.

  He was sitting on the floor, cheeks damp with tears that continued to stain his pretty face as more and more trailed down too. He was whimpering in the deep yet soft voice of his, a painful sound if one cared about him. But he felt that no one did. His wrists were tightly bound before him by his leader's own jacket as if the material wasn't of the high quality that he always wore. His t-shirt and trousers were wrinkled horribly, but he felt very much safe in them for being close to his skin. And that wasn't always the case.

  Nor was today's incident which was very much out of the ordinary for both Taehyung and Jaeseong. It was painful for the young black-haired boy to recall what had just happened moments ago, his whole body aching from what it had gone through to make him cry like this. As if emotional and mental pain wasn't enough for him, physical pain added as a bonus. It was too overwhelming for him to handle. This man, his leader who stood before him; the same man who had once consoled him many months ago when he had cried because of his father's scarf. He was the same man who had been so dangerously furious that it had gotten him into this state where he was now beaten up and on the floor like he never had any value to begin with. He felt as though bruises would blossom in every inch of his body- except for his face which had nothing except the burning wetness of tears. His mind made him whimper even more. What did he pull himself into?

  "You will never go out without me," he continued after a long moment of silence, not a single drop of emotion on his clean-cut face. Tae didn't stop his sobs, hiccups adding and a jump in his chest with every breath. He tried to suppress his cries but that just elicited a drawled moan from him. He shuddered in fear. To his surprise, Jae bent down with his knee touching the floor and extended his arms to touch the younger's bound hands.

  "Juh-jebal..." he repeated for the umpteenth time. More tears sprung out as he reclined from his touch, fear evident in his features. Jaeseong paused to look up at him, taking in his look.

  "I am not going to hurt you anymore," he murmured after a moment and outstretched his hand to firmly grab Tae's shaking wrists and a broken whimper sounded from that. With a few hard pulls, the jacket was unknotted and Taehyung's hands had a mixture of blue and red colour from where it had been tied inhumanly strong. The piece of leather was now in no condition to be worn, wrinkled in the worst possible way and Jaeseong threw it away. "Stand up. And go take a shower. We have an important meeting with father to attend, and your presence is very much required."

  With a mix of hesitation and stammering, the boy slowly nodded his head and stood up, tripping over his own wobbly legs as he did and Jae had to support him.

"...Should I give you a bath?"

  Taehyung didn't reply. He wanted to nod but a fear overtook him. What if his director drowned him in the bath? No, he was being superstitional. After reluctance a small hoarse noise came from the back of Tae's throat in agreement. He didn't really have much of a choice.

  While Jaeseong turned the tap around to fill the bathtub, Taehyung stared at his reflection in the mirror, eyes wide and innocent. He noticed the faint pink marks he had around his throat from when the elder had choked him. The mere thought made him flinch.

  "Where have you been?" YJ repeated in that steady voice but his grip on the younger's neck was far from calm. Tae garbled out something the leader didn't catch, and it only made the grip tighter.

  When Jae came to take off his shirt, there were a few bruises here and there on his chest and arms.

  "Arghh!" Taehyung shouted at the top of his lungs when the elder was striking at him while he stood and pushed him so hard that the younger's back hit the edge of the bed. Despite the pain, his irises contracted as YJ lashed at him. "Jebal, jeba- JEBALL!!"

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