9. Understanding

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  He walked down the street, hidden in the midst of the many people rushing here and there to get to their work or home places.

  "Hello?" He asked through the line of the disposible payphone that he had just bought. The type that would be thrown away after a single use and hardly cost a thing. His tie was in the form of a long string, loosely hung on around his neck with the top few buttons of his shirt opened and the sleeves were rolled up. He had taken off his coat and held it over his shoulder so he could look like he was going home from work and somehow not stand out in the crowd. His hair were rather sweaty and dishevelled to add it to the look.

This way, he didn't feel cheap.

'Updates, now,' the person on the other line spoke.

  "I'm almost in. It will be settled back in a few days. Plan is a go."

  'Woah, that was fast. You know everything, right? You can handle it?'

  This caused him to snort. "You're asking me that. To the point, if you may."

'...How long is this gonna take again?'

  "Don't know," he turned a corner. "An undefined amount of time. But I plan on getting this over with as soon as possible."

'Hm... Goodluck mate.'

  "Hah, you'll need that." He turned off the disposible phone and tossed it in the dustbin that passed by. He would've crushed it in any other circumstance, but right now, he was in too much of a hurry.

  Let's get a move on, he thought, shoving his hand in his pocket.



  The next day was... more or less normal. Jimin didn't bother you today, but his mood was something one would call- well, hopeful. You didn't know why or how his expression was so different from yesterday but you could guess.

  You couldn't be bothered less about this. For you, you were still angry at him for yesterday, so you simply avoided him whenever you could.

  But you couldn't help but trail off into your thoughts every now and then.

  "Yah, Y/N," Taemin moved his hand in front of you. "Earth to Y/N. You there?"

  "Huh? Oh yeah," you replied, brushing it off. The guy was sitting across from you at lunchtime. The only thing lacking was (not food) Jungkook and Hyejin. You wondered where the two were, so decided to hang out with this guy who gladly offered his assistance to your lonely self.

  "Still mourning about those lines?" He asked raising an eyebrow in a teasing manner.

  "Tony! Those weren't just lines. That was art! It was close to a masterpiece," you urged your point onto him forgetting your lunch, chopsticks aimlessly poking at the rice.

  He picked up a grape from your tray. "I know, I know. But you can write again!" You shook your head at that, but he cut you off before you could speak. "I know you can. You have so much potential. In fact, our first try's gonna be hit!"

  You smiled weakly at him. He surely did a great job writing his share of lines, you simply lost it. "Y/N, things like this not only come to you, but also require determination! If you try, you can create another masterpiece. Just- just pretend the previous page never existed, ara?"

"... Ara."

  You drove your bike from your school to home, this time deciding to take a different route to your destination so you'd pass your teacher's house on the way. You slowed down when you neared Jimin's home and stopped right in front to stare at the grand place. He was most certainly not home because teachers usually work at school longer than students.

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