32. Broken

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"Lee Y/N. Stand up."

You had that familiar expression when you got up on your two feet, pushing back your chair. Your eyes were wide, housing that 'deer in the headlights' look. Your hands were shifty, playing with a pencil for subtle distraction. Park Jimin was mad and he had never looked at you this way and this was not good.

And his attire was similar to yesterday.

You gulped.

"D-de Mr. Park," you stuttered out when the man had been staring at you for too long through those drowsy eyes. He glanced down at some papers and sighed.

You knew what papers he was holding. And you knew why you were standing, even if you looked like you didn't. Those were the test papers from yesterday; the test that had gone so wrong for you, marked and in his hand. He shifted supposedly your paper from the top to the bottom, calling out a few more names until about seven to eight students were standing.

"Your tests weren't up to the mark," he said after a few moments of prolonged silence. "Y/N and Hyunseok still had better results, but they're standing because they were supposed to be the best. Why weren't they?" No answer. You stared at your Maths textbook with a blank mind. "You both are the topper students, you do realise that slacking off when exams are this close," he gestured so with his hand; as if pinching, "means that you are going to fail. What I want from all the students standing, is another test during detention today. I don't care when you study; be it recess or P.E., I want better results than this or else the punishment will be more severe."

There was a dull chant of agreement before the teacher left the class leaving you slumped down on your seat. Like, it was all right when a teacher was angry or something, but when it was Mr. Park; your secret boyfriend, it just felt weird inside. In such a tense, painful way. You took deep breaths to calm yourself down. Exams were a few weeks away and why were all of these bad things happening again? Just when you thought that the good would arise. You sighed, determined to give it your best in detention.

"Great job!" Minha turned around to face you and scowled. "How are we gonna complete the project now??"


"I can't believe you!" She sighed angrily. You folded your arms on the desk and rested your head on them when there was an ache approaching. It started out small, like a dull pang on your head that'll go away. But as the next few periods passed, it only grew and became a migraine. You felt so bad, why were all these bad things starting to happen now? Your mind whined. Another part curtly replied.

Suck it up.



You were amongst your books at recess, hiding in some corner of the school and furiously practicing and you sacrificed your P.E for a better cause. Maths. Actually it was Mr. Park's approval. Your head was reciting all the theorems and definitions during classes and you just hoped to be ready.

You were determined af.

It was detention now. You felt truly ashamed at the fact that you had to see this day. The day when... ah, forget it. Park Jimin had written a few questions on the board and now stood as a hawk, eyeing each of the students who sat frustrated and looked about here and there. Hyunseok was furiously writing down answers to the questions. With so much zeal that his pen nip broke in the next moment there was a loud and annoyed drawl from the boy. You felt utterly sorry for him as you continued your work, wanting to help him but were actually held hostage by a test paper. The teacher came to him with a sympathetic frown and said that it was all right. At least some of the paper was saved from the ink sprawl. He would be given some extra time.

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