Chapter 28/ Important Authors Note

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Please read: (guess you don't have to but it would make me feel better)

Hello! I am so happy you've decided to pick up this book once again, even with my horrid editing, punctuation, commenting, and writing. don't worry I know that some may (possibly) have felt the fear of the 5 months later authors note that is usually saying the author is discontinuing, taking a break, or publishing it but this is NONE of those. 

I don't like to open up much about myself because especially during this pandemic people have been through H E double hockey sticks and I don't believe that I have the right to complain.

I want to explain to you (those who are still around) what has been going on. I had a big move last summer into a place I hadn't lived for 7 years, all of my old friends had made friend groups and I had no clue where to start. On top of that, it was the pandemic and I was stuck trying to make friends/make connections with my teachers through a screen and I think almost all of us can talk about how annoyingly stressful and difficult it was!

My grades have dropped in one of the most important years of my entire life, and I felt super alone during this time period. I started cutting things out of my life that I believe would help relieve some of the stress I was going through but it was all very temporary. 

I believe one good thing about this pandemic is that for me, it taught me a lot about myself, what I couldn't do, what I didn't know, how bad I could get. I started cutting out social media from my life (which is how I kept in contact with my friends), and honestly as expected a lot of social interactions( *cough* Pandemic) which (as an extrovert) I thrive off of.

I did see notifications about comments, and I read a lot of them, and believe it or not even though I wasn't writing at the time they motivated me, all the good and bad ones. One person talked about how they forgot what this book was about because it had taken so long for me to update and I am not going to lie it haunted me for days/weeks because I felt like I was letting you all down, and in a way I was. 

(Love how I am making myself feel like such an important person/author)

I'm not going to go too deep but it was just a lot. New school, somewhat new people, harder class levels, and then just everything else from life just became a bit too much. 

I'm not saying my life is miserable! And I am definitely not trying to discredit the struggles of others, but I think we all need to remember everyone faces/faced struggles during the pandemic and are continuing to face those struggles and I will advocate for them! I just felt like it was important for me to take a moment and acknowledge to all of you (who are STILL reading :)) that I wasn't just not caring about you Wattpaders, I just genuinely didn't have the energy to even care for myself and let my mental state get to an all-new low.

As you all can see, I'm still alive! (just in case some of you felt like I had died because my updating is/was so bad) 

But as a junior doing an excelled program, my summer is 4,000-word essays and community service projects! But I will work my PERSONAL best to keep updating as I feel that I owe it to all of you who are still and are new readers to my book(s)!

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