16- Car keys

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"Ayy ayy not like this" Nara took the cabbage from you hand and a fistful of salt

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"Ayy ayy not like this" Nara took the cabbage from you hand and a fistful of salt.

"See you have to do this, you should put salt in every layer, between every leaf evenly." You nodded carefully observing the way she was doing it.

"If you do not do it like this some will be more salty and some will be saltless. Now you do" You nodded, taking back your position.

"Like this Ajhumma?" You asked, doing the way she had instructed.

"Yes, perfect! Now you continue I will prepare the sauce"

(I saw them making Kimchi last Run Bts and got idea from there heheh)

You repeated the same process on all the cabbages that she had already soaked in water. Actually she was a really nice person. It had only been two days but you felt comfortable with her now.

"Ajhumma I am done, Can you show me how to make the sauce?" You asked wiping your hands dry now standing beside her.

"ofc! sit here and see okay?" You sat on the kitchen counter watching her prepare the sauce for the Kimchi.

"That too much chilli powder ajumma!! Won't it get spicy?" You gasped seeing the amount of powder she had put.

She chuckled looking at your face. "Ani(no) there is so much of cabbage and when it will ferment it won't remain that spicy"

You nodded. "Do you want to taste this?" She asked, taking a spoonful of the red sauce .

"I can?" You asked.

"Ofc, it might taste a little too spicy now but you can taste it"

You took a small amount of it on your finger, before licking it.

"Woah!! It's so good." You hummed. As she said it was a little spicy but not too bad since you have a good spice tolerance. "And it isn't that spicy too"

"I told you"

"What are you guys doing?" Namjoon stepped into the living room dressed in a crisp white shirt and black jacket. He always wore formal clothes to work but today they seemed extra. His tie wasn't one of his usuals, his hairs were perfectly gelled back. His shoes shined a little extra today.

"Ajhumma is teaching me how to make Kimchi" You giggled coming out of the kitchen.

"Jinja? I missed you Kimchi so much nara! No one can beat your Kimchi." Namjoon walked into the kitchen taking some sauce on his fingers and licking them off just like you. "Hmm....perfect" He sighed. "I realllyyy missed your cooking Nara."

Nara chuckled . Honestly she always missed him. The time she was away she never forgot Namjoon , although she had her family, her son, her grandchild but she had developed this special bond with Namjoon that she couldn't help but always think of him . How was he doing? What is he eating well? Is he fine? She had seen his worst, there were days she comforted him as a mother , wiped his tears when he had no one. There were very few people who had seen Namjoon's vulnerable state and she was one of them. She didn't like it there. She wanted to come back but she thought Namjoon would have got another cook.

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