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Science came and went without much happening. The bell rang for lunch and me and Amber walked down together, still talking about her band. They were called Walk the Moon which made me giggle. When we got to the cafeteria it was packed as usual but it wasn't hard to find my group of friends. They were the loud ones talking about dolphins.

Yes my friends are weird and yes I fit right in with them. Amber and I joined into the conversation and all was well until we heard a group of boys behind us.

I turned around to lock eyes with Calum, the smell of weed still strong. Him and a couple of his friends Luke and Michael were behind me laughing at something together. Katie, one of my friends who happened to have a crush on Luke sat staring and blushing at him.

I was about to turn and start back into the conversation, ignoring them when I felt something on my head. A couple of my friends around me had stopped talking and were now staring at me as if I had horns. I turned my head to the side trying to look at them when the thing on my head started falling down, more like oozing down.

It was yogurt?? I slowly moved my hand to my head and when I felt the slimy substance I was sure. I slowly stood up making some of it fall and started running to the bathroom. Before I went through the doors I noticed something, the whole grade was quiet, they had seen all that happened and right as I started running again I heard them all burst into laughter.

I cleaned my head as best I could and locked myself in the stall. I couldn't come out, not after that. Some of my friends from the table had come in and tried helping but I wouldn't take it. I was humiliated once again by Calum.

I told myself I wouldn't but after a while I started to cry, the warm tears fell down my cheeks and onto the floor of the bathroom. I texted my mom and told her I didn't feel well asking her to pick me up and wiped my tears. I knew I had to get to my next class before the bell rang or I'd be in huge trouble.

As I unlocked the stall and made my way to the sink I heard the bell ring. I wiped my red eyes and made myself look sorta presentable before starting to walk to math. My mom hadn't texted me back so there was no point in hoping to go home.

The teacher kept talking about the same old lame thing again and again. Throughout the class I could heard some people whispering some still giggling. I sighed, but its not like its anything different from my normal days.

As my teacher was pointing to something on the board trying to get us to listen when I heard something. 'Shit' I thought as I rummaged through my book bag to try and stop my annoying phone from ringing. It was really loud and at this point the whole class was staring and giggling like kids.

"Mrs. Carter your phone please" my teacher says with her hand out. I sighed as I finally got my phone to shut up, it was my mom. Wow could this day get any better? No phone, my hair is still gross and crunchy from the yogurt, half my class was laughing at me, and I'm sure I still had dry blood from Calum's little stunt at the start of the day.

I had to go through the rest of class with people staring at me making me really uncomfortable. The bell rang and I finally got to call my mom back, I ran to the front and my teacher gave me it as well as a disapproving look. As I was walking out of the door of my class room I bumped right into someones shoulder, and with my luck it just had to be the one and only Calum Hood.

He looked down at me and chuckled a bit before pushing me with all his force against the lockers. I fell to the ground with my legs hugged to my chest. I hate this school, I hate the students, I hate everything. I sighed as I heard him and a few others laugh and walk away. No one in the crowded halls helped me as per usual, just great where are my friends when I need them. I quickly called my mom and she responded rather quickly and told me it was fine to come home if I really wasn't feeling well. Personally I felt like going into a ball and crying so I waited until she picked me up.

As I saw her car pull up I let a tear fall from my eyes thinking about how rough this day has been and its not even over

My Bully~ Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now