Hayes or Hades

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There is no way that I am persephone and there is no way that Hayes was the Hades. This isn't real. It can't be! The Greek gods and goddesses are all made up, that is exactly why it's called mythology. And I've been reborn and died over and over again for centuries? I have an expiration date of ninety years? I'm the only one who can break the curse? This sounds so ridiculous. It can't be real. It isn't real. Right?

I tried to carry on with my day, but I couldn't move on without knowing exactly what all of this meant. I wanted to move on and believe this was a fever dream or something. Maybe I imagined everything that happened yesterday, but I needed to find Hayes. Or Hades.

I trudged six blocks again through the snow to get back to Olympia's Used Books and find Hayes. I needed to talk to him and figure all of this out. I couldn't find out him. There was only one girl working in the back organizing books so I walked up to her to ask her about Hayes. "Hey, sorry to bother you, but I have a question?" She turned around and nodded. "Do you know where Hayes is?" She seemed confused, "Who is Hayes?" I got confused too, "Hayes is the man who was working here yesterday." She got even more baffled,"There has never been a man working here, unless you were talking about the man who runs this store? He has an office in the back, but I've been working here for a couple of months and have never been allowed in it. He also rarely ever comes out from his office." I knew it had to be him. This was Hayes, and I had to go into his office. I felt that I had to go into his office. "Yes, that is exactly who I'm talking about. Who is your boss's name?" She replied, "His name is Mr. Elliot, but he isn't here right now. Was he expecting you? It might be fine if you wait in his office. I may not be allowed it, but I'm sure he won't mind you." I didn't know if she was being sarcastic or not, but I went along with it. "Yes, he is expecting me and in fact he told me to wait in his office." She pointed in the direction to his office, "Walk all the way to the back and his office is the first door on the right." I told her thank you as I proceeded to go down the middle of the book shelves towards his office.

His office was unlocked which was surprising since he was apparently so private. I didn't want to snoop, but I had to find out where Hayes was. It was a dimly lit room with a sleek black desk in the middle of the room, with nothing on top of it. There was one plant in the corner that seemed to be wilting away, and a large painting of a black dog beside the door entrance. I was starting to wonder if Mr. Elliot and Hayes were two different people because I would have thought that Hayes' office would have been much more grand in order to match his looks. I walked towards the desk and opened the one drawer it had, it was empty. Of course it was. This felt hopeless. There were no clues. Nothing that could help figure out where Hayes was. I was ready to give up. I slumped down to the ground and looked down. This made me think about Hayes said: "Don't look down, look at my eyes when we talk." I looked up and there was a sticky note under the desk. This is exactly what I needed to confirm what I felt in my heart. I knew Hayes wasn't going to give me that book and then leave me hanging like that. I grabbed the sticky note and it had an address on it: 1827 Blue Hill Ave Boston, Massachusetts 02115. I had to go to the address. Which is what I did.

I was getting disappointed again. When I arrived to the address, it was a storage unit filled with multiple P.O. boxes. I thought I was going to find Hayes. I needed to talk to him. I walked up to one of the men working and asked him, "Excuse me... sorry forgive me, I'm a tad confused. I must have a P.O. box, but I forgot my number. Can you help me?" "Don't worry about it, what is your name?" I responded, "It's Stephanie Carter." His eyes widened, "Yes! Ms. Carter, I can definitely show you to your P.O. box and give you your key!" I stopped him before he could get the key because there is no way I am the right girl, "I'm sorry, you must have me mixed up with another Stephanie Carter." He glanced back at me,"Ma'am, you are Stephanie Carter. There are no other Stephanie Carters here. I assure you, you are the right one." I was shocked yet again. Hayes was managing to surprise me even without his presence. The man grabbed a key from the back and walked me to my P.O. box. "Okay so your P.O. box is number 12 and this is your key," he said as he passed me my key. "Now if you have any other questions, do not hesitate to ask me," the man said as he started to walk away.

I took a deep breath and opened the P.O. box with the key. There was a train ticket with my name on it and another address on it, but this one was in New York City. I had no clue what waited for me in New York, but I was sure that this was meant for me. Ever since my mom died, I have felt alone and lost. When I meant Hayes, for the brief moment we had together I felt that this was my destiny. I had to find out everything. Everything that I have always wanted to know regarding my biological parents and Hayes. I was scared, but this is exactly what I have always wanted. I was ready to start my journey.

In the BeginningOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant