What Have I Done?

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A women with long, luscious, black as night, hair wearing long dark robes withe shades of purple and red approached us. Her lips were full and matching the red of her robes. Surprisingly  her eyes also matched her hair. She was ethereal. She looked oddly familiar. She started tearing up, but then quickly put on a brave face, "Stephanie?" "How do you know my name?" The woman frowned, "You don't remember me? I don't blame you. I did looked a bit different as a mortal." I looked at Hades for answers. "Persephone, this is Hecate. She's your mom." A tear fell from my eye. And Hades made my heart ache yet again. Part of me was willing to put the fight I just had with Hades behind me, but a bigger part of me hated Hades for keeping this information from me. Questions began to arise. How long did he know this was my mother? Why didn't try to find me as soon as he found out? How was she my mother? 

I walked up to Hades and I pushed him back with all of my strength. He was much stronger and his body barely tripped back, "Persephone, what are you doing?!" I started sobbing. I was tired of fighting with Hades. Of him constantly keeping secrets. Of constantly being out of the loop. Of trying to be this powerful goddess and failing every time. He tried to hug me, but I pushed him back again. Through my cracking voice I managed to yell out, "How long did you know she was my mom?!" He spoke gently, "The day I left for the underworld." I got even more upset. He knew and didn't tell me. "You knew and didn't tell me?!" "I'm sorry, I thought if I told you then it would be tricking you in coming with me. I thought I was doing the right thing. I'm sorry, Persephone." "No! No! I should've have never come back here. And when I leave you, I never want to see you again!" "Please, Persephone! Stay!" Hecate also joined in, "Persephone, please listen to Hades, I've missed you." I could barely hear her behind the tears, and with that I teleported back to my apartment in Boston. 

As soon as I was back in Boston, I instantly felt alone. I was back to exactly how I was three and half weeks ago. Alone in this cold apartment. Except now I had powers. I wiped my tears away, but they kept flowing. "Why are you back?" Sebastian asked me. He walked in from my kitchen and helped me to get up from the floor. "What are you doing here?" He handed me a napkin, "I thought that since you would be with your boyfriend in the underworld, then you would't be here. I didn't want a perfectly good apartment to go to waste. Now clean yourself up again, I can't stand when people cry." I wiped my tears away, "Why? Because you're devoid of feelings?" He chuckled, "Haha, very funny. Now seriously what are you doing here? You should be with Hades." "Awh, it's almost like you care about me." He rolled his eyes. "Fine, I got in a huge argument with Hades and then my mom showed up." "Demeter was in the underworld?" "No, my adopted mom." "Hecate?" I was confused, how did everyone know about Hecate but me? "Persephone, remember I can read minds. Now, what was the fight about?" I looked down, "Well...umm... you, actually." He started grinning. I punched his shoulder. "Stop it!" "Ouch! What I can't help but feel powerful if Hades is jealous of me." I started laughing. Sebastian moved closer to me. I started to feel nervous. He started gently caressing my arm and then he leaned in. He whispered in my ear, "If I was Hades, I would never let you go." And without hesitation, I kissed him. I had this pent up energy and I knew it was wrong, but it felt so good. We started kissing and it felt so good! He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his body. 

And then something terrible happened. I smelt something. Maybe cinnamon. Or like ashes. And my eyes widened. It was the magic of Hades! I would know the smell of his magic from anywhere. I let go of Sebastian and quickly looked behind me. Hades was right there, in my apartment. He looked heart broken, but more so outraged. "Hades! What you doing here?" His eyes weren't amber anymore they were red with fury. He glided across the room and in an instant, he hit Sebastian on his face. Sebastian fell to the floor and Hades jumped on top of him and kept hitting him. Over and over again. "Hades! Stop!" I tried grabbing Hades, but his anger made him stronger. Sebastian was laughing, but his face was filling with blood. I could hear the cracking of his skull and the tearing of his skin. "Hades! I said stop!" With my magic I wrapped weeds around the arms of Hades and pulled him back. Once he was subdued, I released him from my vines. I ran to Sebastian who was about to pass out. "I knew it! I knew you liked him! As soon as you mentioned Sebastian I knew there was something more to the story." I turned around to face Hades, "That's not fair! You left and didn't tell me about my mom!" "You fucking told me to leave, Persephone or do you not remember that!!" "I know! And I hate myself for it! But you seem so happy without me! Did you even miss me? I see how well you're thriving. How well the underworld is thriving with you back." In that moment, Hades realized what this was all about. He walked over to me and his eyes were perfectly amber again. "What in the worlds would ever make you think that my heart didn't break every moment I was apart from you. I love you, but look at us. You cheated on me, and maybe you were right. We shouldn't be together." I didn't want to cry anymore, but I couldn't help it. "Hades, please- don't- what I said was stupid! What I did was stupid! Sebastian means nothing to me and you mean everything to me! I'm sorry!" What have I done? I tried to hold Hades's hand, but the noise of Sebastian regaining consciousness stopped that from happening. "Persephone, stop. I need time and from I can see Sebastian does mean something. Otherwise you wouldn't have risked our relationship, well whatever was left of our relationships, over him. Goodbye." "NO!" I yelled out, but Hades had already teleported out of my apartment.

I felt agony. I had made mistakes with Hades and Hermes. The only person I had left was Sebastian. A man I didn't even trust. I kneeled down and started to clean the blood off of Sebastian's face. He started coughing and then finally sat up. "Thank you, but maybe I should be the one helping you." He started wiping the tears off of my face with his hand. "Hades must really love you." I pushed his hand away from my face and kept cleaning him up. "I don't know if that's true anymore." "Ouch!" Sebastian yelled. "Stop being a baby." "It hurts, Persephone. But I'll heal. And I wouldn't be too sure of that." I stopped cleaning him. "Hades hates me and I don't know how to fix it." "Why don't you do what you promised him?" "Like what?" "Didn't you say that you told him to needed time to rebuild your relationships. So go to Mount Olympus and do just that." Maybe he was right. "Huh" "What?" "Sebastian, you are smart and helpful when you want to be." He smirked. "But you do know that this whatever it was can't ever happen again, like at all." He nodded, "I know. I mean nothing to you." I felt bad that he heard me. "I'm sorry." "It's fine. I guess I always knew you would chose Hades." I hugged him. "Thank you, Sebastian." 

I planned on leaving tomorrow. 

In the BeginningOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara