New Mount

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The driver helped take my things past the gate and into the mansion, along side Henry who did not help. Henry stepped aside and I'm guessing he told the driver to leave because he nodded and headed out the door. I honestly didn't notice all too much because I was in awe of the foyer. As soon as you walked through the door you were greeted with two cascading white stairs on each side of the entrance that connected with each other at the second floor. There were three chandeliers guiding you through the hallway that was in between the stairs that led you towards what was either a large kitchen or a kitchen and dining area. I couldn't tell since it was so far away. You could also see large oil paintings throughout the first floor that resembled the Palace of Versailles. I couldn't imagine that something this grand would be in such a tiny town. A town that didn't even know existed, especially since it was so close to the city. 

After the rush of seeing this stunning house passed, I remembered that Hayes still was no where to be found and that Henry was still there. I guess he was thinking the same thing because he started talking to me again. "This place is marvelous isn't it?" "Yes it's probably the prettiest house I have ever seen..." I wanted to ask what I was doing here but I wasn't sure if he was going to answer any of my questions. "Go ahead ask what you want to ask," Henry said. I sighed and just spit it out,"Fine, but you have to answer me. Why did you bring me here? And who lives here? And where is Hayes?" "Woah woah, one question at a time." I rolled my eyes because yet again he wasn't answering my questions and yet again I was running out of patience. Henry noticed that I was getting annoyed, "Relax, Stephanie," he said so condescendingly, "I will answer your questions, the mayor of New Mount and his wife live here. I honestly don't know where Hayes is and I brought you here as a favor for Hayes. He wanted you to stay here until he was able to talk to you again." "I'll be staying here? With the mayor and his wife?" "Yes, didn't you hear what I just said? Now, I have to get going, but I will show you to your room and then I will leave." "You can't just leave me here. Please just tell me where Hayes is." "You don't listen do you, Stephanie. I  told you I don't know where Hayes is, now let me show you to your room." I was starting to feel disappointed. Lost. We walked up what felt like forty or fifty steps of the right side of the stairs. We walked down the hall and there were so many spare bedrooms. I was thinking to myself why do two people need so many extra rooms. Finally we got to what was my room. It had a king sized bed with white sheets and a canopy on top. There was a white bedside table with gold detailing and a walk in closet that was empty and a bathroom! I was low key excited to sleep here. I dropped my luggage on the floor and turned to Henry. "Stephanie, I really have to go. The mayor and his wife should be getting back soon. I'll see you later." And with that he was gone.

I was upset that Hayes was no where to be found and I was basically stuck in this tiny town in which I knew nobody. I laid on the bed, which was so soft, and as soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.

I woke up to another limo pulling up to the gate. It was probably the mayor and his wife. I didn't know what to do. Do I run downstairs and greet them or do I wait for them to come upstairs? I didn't have time to think, I rushed to the bathroom to fix my hair and put my shoes back on. I started walking to the edge of the stairs until I saw them walk in and got nervous because they were arguing. The door flung open and the mayor had long silver hair and a silver beard. He was wearing a blue suit and you could tell that his physique looked much younger than his face and hair. His wife walked in behind yelling back at him for who knows what. She had long curled brown hair that looked like it was starting to go white and gray. She was much shorter than him and was wearing a bright red lipstick and a black dress that fit her curves in all the right places. They continued to yell until they went quiet. I got nervous because I didn't know if they had heard me or saw me. I tried to remain as quiet as I could while I managed to walk down the stairs. Once I gotten past half of the stairs I heard footsteps and I froze. The wife walked up to me and looked really scared. "Who are you?!" She screamed. Her husband, the mayor, ran to see what had happened. He put his hand on her shoulder and calmed her down. He knew who I was, "Helen, this is Stephanie, she's Hayes's friend and she will be staying with us." I nodded. She rested her hand on her chest and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Stephanie, wait you know Hayes?" "Yes, I haven't known him for long, but he insisted I come here. Why?" Helen and the mayor looked at each other like they knew something I didn't. "It's just that, well, he doesn't have that many friends. He is very well at being alone." They changed the conversation. "I didn't even introduce myself, My name is Zachary or you can call me Zach, I'm the mayor and this is my wife, Helen. I am so glad that you will be staying with us. Will you be coming to the town party this evening?" Without hesitating I immediately answered yes, because I need to see Hayes. "Yes, I will... what exactly is the town party?' They both laughed. Zach started talking about the party, "The town party is exactly what it says, it's when the whole town comes together to celebrate the Holidays, but we don't get religious. It's a time for fun and enjoy each other's company." They both looked at each other again and it seemed like they had made up a language with their eyes. "Stephanie, why don't you come with me, I can find a dress and a pair of shoes for you," said Helen. Zach started looking at me up and down, I felt exposed. Like he was undressing me with his eyes. But maybe I was overreacting, but Helen noticed too and grunted and he finally stopped. "Stephanie, come with me, I'll show you to one of my closets." We left Zach at the bottom of the stairs, but I still felt his eyes burning a hole at my backside. 

I wanted to fill the awkward silence. "You have more than one closet?" She giggled, "Yes honey, I do, a girl always needs more than one closet. Especially if she is the wife of the mayor." The closet was spectacular, just like everything else in this house. There were cubbies and slots of all different shapes and sizes. Shoes stacked high and all the different colors of dresses you could think of. Helen stared at my body, to see what size I might be. I have always been a medium build and tall, so I wasn't sure that a dress of hers would fit me. However, she managed to find three dresses that I loved: one was a red, simple cutout dress, another was a pink, mermaid dress, and finally a lace, black dress. I tried all of them on, but I was blown away by the red one. It fit me perfectly, and I felt confident. I always wanted to wear more dresses, but it was hard to find one that fit me right, but I finally found the right one with this one. As for shoes, luckily we were the same foot size and I picked out pink platforms. I walked back to my bathroom to do my makeup and hair and to give Helen time to get ready too. I wanted a simple look, since the dress was the center of attention. I contoured my face and put on some fake eyelashes. I took my hair out of the braid and it was curled from the braid so I left it as is.

Helen and Zach were already done up and I guess the catering company they hired were almost done decorating. I walked to the back of house and the garden was lit up with bright fairy lights. The pool was illuminating and reflecting the moon back. There was a bar set up in the corner and the people working were wearing black and white which signified a high class party. I ordered a champagne and picked up a couple of the hors d'oeuvres since I was starving. Before I realized, the house was packed. This town is much bigger than I previously had thought. And once again, I hoped that I would find Hayes.

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