In the End

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Once everyone stopping hugging and congratulating Hades and I on our engagement, Apollo began to play his harp again. The music he played at the beginning was fast-paced and perfect for dancing! As Hades twirled me around, I could see everyone's smiling ear to ear. Aphrodite was with Hephaestus and Dionysus, Hermes, Athena, and Artemis had formed a circle in which they were all taking turns who was in the middle. Then the tune slowed down, and Hermes pulled me into his body. Hades wrapped his strong arms around my waist and then he swayed me back and fourth with every beat Apollo played. This was the best night of my life. Yet. I wanted to live in this moment forever. But I knew that another life was waiting for me. A life I was ready to build. I will carry this moment with me forever. 

I lifted me head up so that I could whisper in Hades's ear, "I can't wait to marry you!" He held onto me tighter, "Me too, Persephone." I leaned back, "No, like seriously! I want to get married to you as soon as I can!" "We don't have to rush it. Persephone, I want you to have the wedding of your dreams." I smiled, "Hades, as long as you're there, then it will be the wedding of my dreams...And maybe a cute dress!" Hades let out a chuckle, "How about tonight?" "Now you're talking." 


"We're throwing another party? It's getting late," Hermes said. "And why are you complaining? It's another party!" Dionysus replied. Hades turned to Hermes, "Hermes, you know what you need to do?" "Yes, I'll go to the underworld and retrieve Hecate." Aphrodite also spoke, "And I will help Persephone get ready, while the rest of you help make a beautiful wedding venue! Now let's get going people!" 

This night was proving to be the best night of my life. 

Aphrodite and I teleported to her palace, so that she could help me get ready. Luckily all of Aphrodite's white gowns looked like wedding dresses. I picked out the most divine dress I had ever seen in my life. It was a trumpet style lace dress with a deep v neck line, then draping shoulders that almost created a cape that flowed behind me. Aphrodite kept my hair same as before, and we added lashes to my makeup look. I couldn't believe how beautiful I looked. As I was looking at myself in the mirror, I couldn't stop thinking about how I was about to become queen of the underworld. Wife of Hades. I was so excited! 

Aphrodite and I teleported back to the lake, which was where Hades and I were going to get married. They had laid out a white carpet that led to the edge of the lake. At the end of the carpet, right before the lake, there was a wooden arch decorated like the arbor, with roses, vines, but now instead of twinkling lights there were candles lit around the arch, held up with long golden candle holders. The moon was shining right above the arch. It was magical. I turned around to face Aphrodite, "Aphrodite- I love this- It's perfect- I-" She squeezed my hand, "I know! Now are you ready?" I nodded, and as soon as I did, everyone had teleported to their seats. Except for Hades, who I couldn't locate, but then Hermes stood in front of me, "Looking for Hades? He'll appear once you start walking down that aisle." I thought Hermes was going to walk over and take his seat, but he didn't. "Hermes, is there something you need to say? Are you going to confess your dying love for me and convince me to leave Hades?" I said jokingly. Hermes started laughing, "Good one! But no, you're not really my type, Persephy! But I was wondering if I could walk you down the aisle, with your mom?" "My mom?" "Hello Persephone," I heard Hecate behind me. I turned around and I immediately hugged Hecate, "I'm so sorry for the way I acted when I first saw you! You had caught me off guard!" She hugged me back, "It's no worries, I'm happy to be here!" I let go of her and I turned back to Hermes, "Of course you can walk me down the aisle. Thank you for bringing her here." Hermes smiled, "Now what are we waiting for? Let's go get you hitched!" 

Hermes stood on my left and Hecate stood on my right with our arms hooked together. Apollo began to play the bridal chorus on a violin as Hecate, Hermes, and I walked down the long aisle. Aphrodite and Hephaestus were on my side of the aisle, and Athena, Artemis, and Dionysus were on Hades's side of the aisle. Hades! I looked forward and there was Hades, eyeing me down. He had the same suit on, except for now there was no tie and his shirt was slightly opened. He knew how much I loved when he did that. He was smiling and maybe even tearing up. Once, we had reached the end, Hermes went to sit beside Aphrodite and Apollo sat next to Artemis. Hecate walked behind Hades and I. She was officiating the ceremony. 

Hades grabbed both of my hands and I couldn't stop staring into his amber eyes. Hecate began speaking, "Welcome everyone to this glorious occasion. It's not everyday that you see people who were cursed to be apart for eternity find each other." We all giggled. "But I guess that just makes it more special. This beautiful relationship has had its up and downs, but I could not imagine two people in the universe who are more perfect for each other than these two. These two were destined to love each other, and you can see it whenever Hades and Persephone look at each other. Their chemistry is undeniable. Since I have known Persephone separately and I have known Hades separately, I can tell you that this is forever. Now I know that they have opted to write their own vows. Hades you may now begin." Hades took a deep breath, "Persephone, words cannot express the love and admiration I have for you. I promise to give you my entire world. My heart is yours. My love is yours. Forever." Short and sweet. "Persephone? You're turn." "Wow! Where do I begin? Hades- I had never really fallen in love with someone before I met you. Before you, I thought that maybe love wasn't written in the cards for me but then you showed up. Your patience and care took me by surprise and in turn made me fall in love you with. I fell in love your mind. Your passion. Your fire. And I cannot wait to continue falling in love with you for the rest of our lives." Hades flashed his beautiful smile. "Can I have the rings?" Aphrodite and Dionysus walked over with the rings. Aphrodite handed me mine and Dionysus with the one for Hades. They quickly walked back to their seats. Hecate kept talking, "Please place the rings on each other's fingers." We each took turns placing the rings on each other's fingers. The rings were simple gold bands with tonight's date carved on the inside. Hephaestus does amazing work. Once the rings were on, Hecate was basically done. "I now pronounce you husband and bride. Hades you may now kiss your wife!" Hades pull me close and cupped my face with his hands. I opened my mouth and his tongue plunged into my mouth and we kissed. Everyone was cheering! He stopped kissing me and then hugged me. 

We walked down the aisle and everyone ran over to hug us, since they knew that once we got to the beginning of the aisle, we would teleport to the underworld. Aphrodite and Hermes were holding onto me tightly, "I'm so happy for you, Persephone! I'm going to miss you!" 

We reached the beginning of the aisle and Hades grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes, "Are you ready?" I looked at everyone waving us goodbye, Hermes who was surprisingly crying. Yet, Hecate wasn't there. "Where is Hecate?" "She teleported back to the underworld, she said she was preparing for us to return. But are you ready?" I couldn't help but feel any more ready. I was so ready to get to the underworld and begin my life with Hades. I was so in love with him! And it wasn't just love. We had mutual interests and respect. And now I was going to rule over the souls of the underworld as their queen, with the love of my life. My soul mate. My best friend. My protector. My other half. Although it took a lot for us to get here, I knew nothing would ever separate us again. 

"I'm so fucking ready!" Hades smiled and just like that, we teleported to the underworld where we began our lives together. Forever. 

In the BeginningOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara