So Many Decisions

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"The first thing we should do is locate Zach or at least lure him to Danielle," Valentina stated. "Or we gather everyone together and then locate Zach. He'll have nobody to run too," Henry responded. Jackson chimed in, "I think I can get Aiden on our side, Valentina can surely get Emilio back, and with that the rest of them will come back." Valentina stared at Jackson angrily, but Jackson just looked away. I didn't think he was an instigator, but then again how different could he be from his twin? Paul looked upset as well.

"Before any of that begins, we should decide what to call each other. By our names here or by our godly names?" David asked. I replied, "I guess we let everyone decide what they want to be called." Danielle stood up once again, "Names don't matter. We are loosing precious time. I will leave to find Zach and when I do, then you all can ambush us. Does that work?" We all looked at each other, and when no one had anything to add onto it, I knew this was what we were going to do. Hayes walked over to Danielle, "The only reason we are obliging to your plan is because we have mutual interests. Don't for one second believe that I trust you. Nor will I ever trust you, but so help me Gods. If you hurt Stephanie or betray us in any way, you will answer to me. And remember I am God of the underworld, which means that even after I kill you, I can still torture you and I will." Danielle looked as if she was searching for words to say, but nothing was coming out. She stared into Hayes eyes and then walked out the door swiftly. That just made me love him even more.

Henry ran up to Hayes, "Why did you let her go? How are we going to know where to find her and Zach? Or if she's even able to find Zach?" Hayes announced to the whole group, "Zach and Danielle put this curse onto us because of what could have become of Stephanie and me, which means that my powers were meant to stay dormant until I met Stephanie. Now that I love Stephanie and we all know who we are, my powers have slowly started coming up. Well at least my intuitive ones. I know for that a fact Danielle will find Zach and once she does. We will be there. Give her time. It will happen because if it doesn't then she will have to go through me." I didn't know that I made him feel that way. I was happy that his powers were coming back and that I was helping. Paul intervened, "That is great and all, but I don't understand why all of the sudden Danielle wants to help? Especially since she created this whole damn mess with Zach in the first place. Why the sudden change?" I replied to him, "I think she feels bad and its was inevitable that the curse would eventually end. And I hope that she is kind enough to not want to see her only daughter be killed." Henry started laughing, "Stephanie, I know she is your mother, but do you seriously think she cares about you or any of us for that matter?" Hayes snapped, "Henry! Shut the hell up. You have no clue what you're talking about." Valentina interrupted, "Both of you stop! This isn't helping anyone. In the meantime, while Danielle goes to get Zach and Damon, I will go find Emilio and Jackson can go get Aiden, and the rest of them who left will have no choice but rejoin us." We all nodded our heads. I walked back to Hayes and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Although Paul didn't seem too amused, he walked out the house with Valentina. Jackson, Henry, and David went to go get Aiden and the rest of the gods and goddesses. It was just Hayes and me now.

Hayes turned around to face me and the arm that was once around my shoulder was now around my waist. He could see that my spirits were down. "What's wrong, my queen?" I loved those words. "I don't know- I just- I just can't help but feel that this is all my fault. The curse and everything." "No. You don't get to hog all the blame. We were both too powerful for them." I let out a small giggle. "But it's also my mom." "And Zach is my brother, your point? Listen, I don't want to invalidate your feelings. But the only people to blame are Zach and Danielle. They did this. No you. In fact, you ended the curse." He made me smile. "There's that smile that I love." I looked into his eyes and then I leaned in and whispered in his ear, "I really want to kiss you." He grinned, "Do it." We started kissing and it felt so good. In that moment I remembered our first kiss. I remembered everything that we have been through in the short amount of time of me being here. The history we shared, but had forgotten. How everything that was destined to keep us apart, actually brought us together. We stopped kissing and sat down at the dining table. Hayes started talking first, "So would you like to tell me about the thousands of fabulous lives you've lived without me?" "Yes, but first I want to learn about your long life." He smiled, "Deal."

"You were not Queen Victoria!" I wanted to joke with him! "I swear," I said as I started laughing. I loved how childish I could be with him. I was able to be completely free as me. It was something I struggle much with in the past. I stopped laughing, "Wait does this mean I don't expire at ninety?" "I guess not." We kept talking and discussing our past lives with each other, until Valentina, Paul, Emilio, Helen, Aiden, Amy, Jackson, Henry, and David reentered the house. Hayes and I both stood up. Jackson was talking to Aiden, while Valentina was stuck between Emilio and Paul, and Amy and Helen looked displeased to be back. Hayes walked over to all of them as did I, "I know that all of you are simply here because you wish to return to your old lives of being Gods and Goddesses, and I do too. But before that I need your help in finding Zach, so that he doesn't kill Stephanie." Helen still looked upset, "Maybe my husband was right in wanting to kill Stephanie. I mean didn't this all happen because you too would be too powerful, therefore Zach had to do it." Valentina smacked her lips, "Can all you stop bickering?! Haven't we been here in the same place before! All this fighting is ridiculous-" It was obvious that Valentina wasn't done talking, but we were interrupted. "Settle down," Zach spoke as he walked back in to his house.

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