Half God, Half Mortal

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Hermes crossed his arms and Aphrodite swiftly moved across the room. She stood in front of Hermes, "Hermes who is this?!" Sebastian stood up from the tiny couch and walked over to Aphrodite. I turned around and I could see Hephaestus eyeing him down. "The one and only Aphrodite, I'm assuming. They do not lie about your beauty." Aphrodite started looking him up and down, but he kept talking. "Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Sebastian Crawford." Sebastian held out his hand to shake Aphrodite's, but she didn't shake it. Sebastian snickered. Aphrodite turned around to Hermes again, "What is the meaning of all this?" "Sebastian is a friend- well he knows Zach. I found his contact a few months ago and once we were able to leave New Mount, I thought I would talk to him." I erupted, "But why?" Sebastian started looking at me like I was prey. Hermes sighed, "Because I wanted to know if we could trust Zach. I want to at least try to have some kind of relationship with my father." And for a second I completely understood what was up with Hermes. Zach's actions had affected us all in different ways. Dionysus interrupted, "Well, I'm going back to party." Apollo, Artemis, and Athena all followed in Dionysus's footsteps and went back downstairs. Hephaestus glided towards Aphrodite and Hermes jumped in between me and Sebastian. "We will all go now," Hermes stated. Sebastian nodded, "We will talk again. And tell Zach that I'll be touch." I guess Sebastian didn't know everything. Like how there's probably no wifi on Mount Olympus. I wanted more answers though. I knew what I had to do. 

Once Hermes, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, and I had rejoined the rest of our group back at the dance floor, I waited. I waited until Sebastian made an appearance again. Luckily, a few moments later I saw him come back down the stairs and exit the building. I told Hermes I had to go to the bathroom. I walked towards and bathroom, but right before I waited in the line for it, I turned my head. I could see that Hermes and Aphrodite were dancing and having fun, so I ran out the building. The exit led out to side of the building, there were a few people smoking and talking. But I couldn't find Sebastian. I kept looking all around and just when I was about to give up I heard a voice behind me. "Looking for me." I turned around to find Sebastian standing in front of me. "And so what if I was?" He crossed his arms, "You know you're different than the rest of them." "Meaning what? That I'm the only one who doesn't care about redeeming Zach?" Sebastian starting grinning, "You must be Persephone, or should I say Stephanie? Lover of Hades. Queen of the Underworld. The one who broke the curse. You know I'm surprised you're here, I would have thought you'd be with your betrothed in hell." "Do not talk about Hayes. As a matter of fact, I will be asking the questions." "If I knew how sexy you look when you're demanding answers, then I would have never even thought about looking at Aphrodite." I rolled my eyes, "How do you know Zach? And how do you know everything about us?" I felt rage starting to build in my gut. Maybe part of me was angry at myself for letting Hades go, so I was projecting onto other people like Sebastian and Hermes. "Calm down, Stephanie." I yelled louder, "Don't tell me what to do! Answer me!" People were starting to look at us. "We're okay. Nothing to see here. You all can go back to your pathetic lives." I heard some whispers, but everyone returned to their own problems. I felt my magic being drained. I could feel the flowers in my hair growing out again and I could see the sparkle in my skin return. "Would you look at that. Tell Hermes that his little secret is up." I ran quickly towards someone's car. I used my magic to break open the lock. Fortunately it was a rich person car that doesn't need a key to start. I pushed the start button and I started driving. I remembered what Hermes was planning, but now I wasn't sure if he was telling the truth. I decided to follow it through on my own. I started driving towards Boston. 

After a few hours, once I was calm again I was able to conceal my divine form again. Aphrodite had been calling me non stop since I started driving, but I needed alone time. But I finally decided to call her back. "Aphrodite? Hello?" "Stephanie!!! Where are you?! I've been calling you for hours! We're really worried about you!" "I'm okay. I'm almost in Boston." She seemed confused, "Boston? Why are you going by yourself? We were supposed to go together." It seems that Hermes wasn't lying. This time. "I know, but I thought Hermes was lying... I need time alone. I'll be back soon. I'm fine. I promise." "Do you want me to teleport there? I just don't want to leave you alone. I'm sorry." "No, Aphrodite. I'm okay. It's okay. I'll see you later." I hung up. 

I hate that I feel this way without Hades. I never wanted a man to make feel this way. I never got this close to anyone before, well except my mom. I wanted to promise myself that I would never let anyone else's absence affect me like this ever again. Yet, I broke that promise when I fell in love with Hades. It was all so fast. His love swept me under like a current. Powerfully and unruly.

 Enough of a pity party. I was going to take a hold of my life. And that begins with making Zeus and Demeter pay.  

I got to back to my old apartment. Surprisingly, my things weren't out on the streets since my lack of paying rent. I opened the door and it felt surreal. Everything was exactly as I remembered, filled with dust though. I walked over to my couch and coffee table. I looked down and saw that the decorative box that once held In the Beginning was laying on top of a letter. I grabbed the envelope and it had my name written on it. I opened it and started reading it. My dearest Stephanie, I have no idea how or when this will find you. But I'm hoping it will eventually land in your hands. I wanted to let you know I brought this apartment and I'm giving it to you. I urge you to use this apartment as a safe haven. If you ever feel lost or alone, please come here. Although, I'm sure that once you're at the top of Mount Olympus, thriving with all your glorious power, you won't need to come back here. But I do hope you think of me, as I will be thinking of you. Your soft hands and white eyes. Your sweet smelling hair. I wish I could be reading this to you out loud. I wish I could be giving you these compliments to you in person, but I have to be in the underworld. I will see you again, Stephanie. Even if I have to burn the entire earth and heavens for you. I promise you. I love you with everything that I have. -Hades

I started crying. I thought that I would be okay without Hades, but I see what a mistake it was have him leave. "Look at the little queen crying. How sad." I wiped my tears away and to my dismay, Sebastian was inside my apartment. "How did you get in- What are you doing-" My voice was cracking. "So many questions. But to answer your questions, I looked inside your head. I knew to find you here. Which brings me to my point, why didn't you just teleport here?" "What? In my head?" Sebastian walked closer to me, "Did you really think that this was Zeus's first time on earth? You did understand the curse right?" Great. Now I was even more confused. "What are you talking about?" He smacked his lips, "Come on, Stephanie. You're the smart one." No! No! "Are you a son of Zeus?!" Sebastian started smiling. 

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