I did it

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Zach made his way through everyone and finally reached the center and right behind him was Damon. He stood beside Helen and Damon beside him. Although, Danielle was nowhere to be found. Hayes stood in front of me and Zach noticed. "Nobody is killing any one, you can keep calm, Hayes. Your girlfriend is safe." I moved to stand beside Hayes and face Zach, "So where is Danielle?" Zach let out a maniacal laugh, "Would you believe me if I told you she isn't trustworthy." My heart broke again. Why did I believe she was worthy of my trust simply because she was my mom?

"Zach, be quiet." Danielle said as she walked towards us. My shoulders dropped. I was relieved. "Glad, you could join us. Now let's begin shall we?" Zach said. "Begin what?" Hayes asked. Zach slowly tilted his head to face Hayes, "You all want to know how we got here, right?" Valentina spoke up, "Actually we want to know how to leave." Zach responded quickly, "The only way to get back is to know how it all began." Henry seemed as if he was getting frustrated, "Can you just tell us how to get back?" I don't know what was wrong with Zach. I could tell something was off. Zach started laughing hysterically and then he just stopped. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out something black. He pointed it at Henry. Oh my Gods, It was a gun! Hayes pushed me behind him with one hand. Paul started hugging Valentina, while Emilio ran to stand in front of her. Helen gasped loudly, Aiden was clinging onto Jackson, while Amy and David were stunned and they jumped backwards. Damon and Danielle weren't even phased. Henry lifted his hands up in defense, "Zach, I'm sorry. You don't have to do this. Just tell us your story."

Zach put the gun back into his pocket, "If fear is what I have to instill in all of you in order to respect me, then I will do that. Now back to the beginning." We all sat down at the table where we had last night, again Zach at the head of the table, although he was standing up. "As you all know I am the most powerful God. I am the God of the Sky. I am the almighty Zeus. However, things changed when my brother, God of the underworld, met his wife, who is the offspring of Demeter, no pun intended. I didn't believe that anything would come of their union except for maybe a one night stand. Yet, I stood corrected. When I gave my approval for their marriage, which Hades loves to forget that any marriage must have my approval, I didn't realize that their relationship was going to bring about the end of me. So you can see how angry I got when Demeter came to warn me that I had to do something to stop it. However, I also didn't believe her, until she showed up at my door, pretending to be a witch. Yes that's right, there was no witch. Demeter used her magic to turn herself into a witch, in order to get me to listen. But remember what I said. I am all knowing. I knew what she had done, but I was willing to put on a show. When Demeter came back to me as herself, we came up with a plan. You all lived the plan so there is no need to rehash the past. But there is one thing I need to say, which is how powerful the couple was going to be. Hades rules over the souls of the dead, he senses things, however his wife was the one to watch out for. When they fell in love or whatever you'd like to call it, their magic became much stronger than anyone could've imagined. Persephone could use the love she felt for Hades and his magic and bend it to her will. I can't have that happening. I can't have Persephone using Hades magic as a tool, especially since his speciality is death. So you see, Stephanie, it's not you I want to kill. It's him-" As he said that he reached for his gun and pointed it at Hayes. "No!" I tried to jump in front of Hayes, but he was already blocking me. "I should've done this a long time ago." Zach shouted.


He shot Hayes. The bullet rammed into his chest sending him backwards. Hayes fell down as a pool of his blood began to form around him. It all happened so fast. I dropped to my knees to keep his head from hitting the marbled floor. "No! No! Hayes, please! You can't die. You can't-" I couldn't breathe. Tears were streaming down my face and all I could see was Hayes and his blood on my hands.

The room around me was a blur. I think Zach had dropped the gun and Damon was protecting him from Henry and Paul. Valentina rushed to my side and started rubbing my back.

Hayes arm was trying to reach for my cheek to wipe my tears away but he was getting weak. "Don't cry, Stephanie. We couldn't have been together forever." Hayes uttered. I couldn't stop sobbing. "No! Don't say that! You're going to be just fine. Do you hear me? I can save you-" "I love you." Hayes last words rolled off his tongue. And in that moment I knew exactly what I had to do. I remembered what Zach said: I can't have Persephone using Hades magic as a tool, especially since his speciality is death. I am Persephone. I am the Goddess of Spring. If Hades speciality is death and mine is life, then I can use my love for him as rebirth instead of death. I could feel Hayes dying in my arms. He only had seconds, so I had to act fast. I removed my hand from underneath his neck and I laid both of my hands on his chest. I started remembering my past lives as queen, the love I had for Hades, the love that I felt for Hayes now, and how much I wished we were Gods again so that we could never be killed.

As I stood there putting all of my energy into saving Hayes, vines coated with flowers started sprouting from the tiny cracks in the walls and floors. Everyone looked at me as I could physically feel magic leaving my finger tips. The open wound from Hayes chest was slowly closing. And with that a strange smell filled the room. Citrus with a hint of lavender. It was my magic. The smell began to manifest into a smoky, white cloud that seemed to wash over us. I felt my body getting stronger. I knew we had gone back to being Gods and Goddesses.

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