We Look Godly

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The ground beneath us began to shake and I looked down and Hayes was looking up at me smiling. He sat up and opened his arms up. I fell right into his chest. He held me as the heaviness in my chest started fading away. 

He whispered in my ear, "You look even more beautiful." I looked up, "What?" "Look down." He released me from his embrace and I looked down. My hair was longer and there were tiny daffodils, iris, and baby breath flowers growing into my hair. My skin was almost gleaming and my eyes felt different. I focused onto Hayes and his appearance had changed too. His biceps were bigger and stronger, his hair black and thick, his eyes were dark red with shades of amber sparkling bright, and he had almost dark smokey shadow surrounding his body. I didn't want to get up. I wanted to forget everyone around us and have this tender moment with Hayes. 

He stood up on his feet and reached his hand out to help me up. His wound was completely healed yet he still had dried up blood on his shirt. I glanced down at my hands and they still had his blood on them too. Just looking at his blood on my hands was bad enough to make me want to throw up. I was starting to fill with rage. Zach shot Hayes. He almost died in my arms. I needed to find Zach to make him pay. I knew who I was now. I knew my strength and exactly what I was capable of now. 

I looked up and everyone was staring at us, at themselves. We all looked like gods and goddesses. I was mesmerized by how beautiful everyone looked. I turned around to face Valentina who had even longer, luscious curls surrounding her smooth face, her eyes were as green as sea foam, and her lips were the perfect shade of pink. Behind her were Emilio and Paul. Emilio looked taller and more muscular as well and his hair fell below his shoulders. Paul had bright orange eyes, almost fire like and his beard was longer. Beside Hayes stood Helen whose cheekbones were higher, her hair was a much darker brown, and her lips stained a blood red. Aiden stopped holding onto Jackson and they were staring at each other in awe. Jackson's hair was as bright and golden as the sun, as it curled to frame his face, and his eyes matched, his body was stronger and he seemed much more athletic. Aiden's hair was red, and her eyes looked as dark as the night sky. She even had antlers growing out of her temples, like a fawn. Amy was standing beside Aiden, looking down at herself. Amy's body looked tough and chiseled, her eyes were fierce and grey. David was off to the side with his long, brown hair that rested on his shoulders. Henry was looking at us, he had tiny wings sprouting from his feet. He wasn't clean shaven anymore, he had a dark brown beard that matched the curled, short hair on his head. His physique and face looked juvenile, as if he was barely of age. Danielle looked almost defeated. Her hair went from dark red to golden almost like wheat, her eyes were greener and she looked much younger. On the other side of the table, Zach and Damon looked concerned. Zach still had his gray beard and long gray hair. His jaw and nose looked sharper and he had gotten taller. Damon had long, blonde hair. His eyes looked older and were as blue as the ocean, his skin had a rarely noticeable blue tint and his body looked powerful. 

Hayes grabbed my hand as we focused in on Zach. Everyone spread out in order for us to make our way through to where Zach and Damon were standing. As we walked, Hayes's smokey shadow followed behind him leaving behind a trail of black ash. Zach was standing tall and his demeanor seemed unfazed with a tight mouth, but I still could feel that he was nervous. Damon moved to stand beside Zach, while Hayes stopped to stand in front of Zach and I stood facing Damon. Zach wasn't saying anything which was shocking. Hayes looked furious and rightfully so. I was the first one to talk, "You will pay for this, Zach or Zeus, whatever you call yourself. I know exactly what I am capable of now, so if you try to kill Hayes again I will kill-" Hayes traced his hand down from my shoulder to my lower back where it rested to calm me down, which caught me off guard. I turned to look at him and his eyes suggested that he'd be doing the talking from now on. 

"Zeus, listen carefully, I am Hades. I am the God of the Underworld. While I can't kill you, I can make sure you will get tortured in every godly way possible, when I throw your atrocious body in Tartarus, if you ever try to kill or harm me, but especially Persephone. Now I don't know what's going to happen, but what I am sure of is that once we leave this shitty town, me and Stephanie are going to go rebuild our lives together without you because as of this moment you are no longer my brother. You are no longer my enemy. You are nothing to me." 

And just like that, we walked out of what was the Mayor's Mansion, after two days. 


It felt weird. We were ancient Greek gods and goddesses roaming the earth in our divine forms. Walking towards Hayes's car. I didn't want to say anything to Hayes. His brother tried to kill him. What was I supposed to say. 

Hayes spoke: "Thank you, for saving me. For all of this. And I don't just mean breaking the curse. You showed me love when nobody else had in years. You didn't just save everyone in this town, you saved me. I am endowed to you forever, my queen." 

I felt light as a feather. I don't know if it was an effect of returning to my divine form or how much I love Hayes. "Hayes, you don't owe me anything." We had reached his car and he grabbed me by one arm around my waist and swiftly pinned me to his car door. He leaned in close. I wanted him to kiss me badly or do other naughty things to me. I could feel his hot breath on my cheek as he looked directly into my eyes. He gently pushed my hair behind my ear and whispered, "You sure, you can't think of anything I can to do you show you how much I love you." I leaned my head forward and I started kissing his neck, until I whispered in his ear, "I could think of a few things." He looked down at me and we started kissing passionately, ravenously, as if we were starving for each other's lips. His hands reached out and he squeezed my leg as he lifted it up to wrap around him. I thought he was going to pick me up, well that was until we were interrupted. 

"We're sorry to interrupt." I heard Valentina say. Hayes let go of my leg and we both looked to see who else it was. Valentina, Paul, and Henry stood a few feet away from Hayes's car. Paul was looking away, while Henry was chuckling. They walked closer to us. "What's going on?" I asked Valentina. "We wanted to know if you meant what you said. Are you both seriously leaving for good?" Hayes responded, "What do want me to do? Do you expect me to forgive the man who ruined my life. No! No! The man who ruined our lives and tried to kill me?!" Hayes was getting upset. Paul spoke out, "Hades, calm down. She just asked you a question." Hayes rolled his eyes. Valentina continued speaking, "Hayes, I wasn't only talking about you. This is about Stephanie, too. Her mom is here, her friends-" "And you're her friend? Didn't you hate her a few days ago, matter of fact didn't you say that I was only one in this town who liked her because I fuck her." This was first time I saw true anger in Hayes's eyes. Maybe being angry is part of him being God of the Underworld. Either way I wasn't a fan of it. I turned to Hayes, "Stop it. Please." Valentina started facing me, "Think about it, Stephanie. I don't want to lose you forever." Henry nodded, "I don't want to make you mad, Hayes. But you have to think about her too." 

They walked away. 

In the BeginningOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz