The Apartment

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I was surprised at what Zach whispered into my ear. "You're too beautiful to be doing all of this blabbering about this town. Keep your mouth shut and all will be swell. Do you understand me?" He stepped back and I was in utter shock. My body went cold and I was actually scared. How could someone like Helen be with such a pos like Zach? I took a deep breath and tried to start processing everything he said. I gulped down the disgust that was starting to form in throat. "I understand." I wanted to leave, but I wanted to wait for Henry. There was no way I was going to be in this building alone with Zach and whoever else Zach is friends with. "That's a good girl," Zach responded back to me while he grinned. I felt so small and like I needed to shower. I couldn't live with this man anymore. I needed to get out of his house. I immediately started thinking about packing as soon as I got back to his and Helen's mansion. I'm sure Helen would understand.

I wanted Zach to still think I was scared, and for the most part I was, but I pulled myself together mentally. I began to look around his office to see if there was something to help me answer a few of my questions. I didn't want to make it obvious either, so I would glance around every few seconds at his bookshelf. There wasn't enough time though because Henry had walked out from the back door. Zach turned his back to me in order to face Henry. "Thanks Zach, I found the paper I needed." Zach nodded. Henry looked at me as we headed out from Zach's office. Since we were leaving I thought I would try to look at Zach's bookshelf again. As I turned my body around so that I could leave with Henry, I quickly scammed through all this books on the bookshelf and there it was. Exactly what I needed. There it was. A copy of In the Beginning.

This opened up even more questions. Why is In the Beginning here? And why does everyone seem to not to remember anything about their past. Like their lives were handed to them. And what's up with Zach. Why does he not want me to find anything out? What is he hiding? I wasn't sure, but I knew one thing. I was going to find out. The reality of In the Beginning being true felt too wild to be true. Or was it?

Henry and I headed out of the building, although I wanted to find out more. "Stephanie, I have some other errands to run before I retire for the day, but do you want to keep following me or should we meet up later?" Even though Henry's humor was a tad too much of rudeness for me, I oddly felt comfortable around him. I laughed. "Well no, I'm sorry about that, but actually... would you want to come get drinks with me at Hayes' bar? Valentina invited me to go with her and Aiden and Amy, but I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I brought someone." "I see you getting very well acquainted with everyone in this town. I'm getting nervous, you may run me out of town. I'm the only one who knows everything about everyone here." I responded, "I'm sure you don't know everything, maybe like how Helen and Valentina don't seem to remember vital information on the town they are so fond of." I wished I hadn't said that. I wanted to be the only one digging up information on the town, but then again maybe having someone help me wouldn't be too bad. He was shocked and quickly changed the conversation. "Umm.. well, I don't know if any of those girls would want me to invade their night out, but I'll try to see if I can. But I really have to go, Stephanie. Bye." "Bye." I whispered as he walked away. The conversation fueled my need to find out what the hell was going on with the town.

After I walked around downtown for awhile, I went back to the mansion to start packing my things up. I knew that I wasn't going to stay there for another minute. But I wanted to speak to Helen first, so I knew it was at least going to be a day before I started looking for hotels. It was already approaching about five in the afternoon and I had forgotten to eat. I heard my stomach rumbling, but I wanted to get ready for tonight already. I was super excited! I really liked Valentina. I changed into a black corset top and simple blue jeans to complete the look. And I picked out sneakers to be comfortable, but not in a quirky "I'm going to wear converse to prom" kind of way. I curled my hair and did my makeup. By then it was already six thirty and I was wondering where everyone was. Was Helen and Valentina still with their clients? I was really hungry and I didn't want to drink on an empty stomach. I decided that I was going to get dinner by myself. It might be nice. I hadn't been by myself in a while. I grabbed my leather jacket and headed out the door.

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