The Note

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"Stephanie? Is that you?" Valentina asked me as I tried to wipe my tears away. I was upset about what had just occurred with Hayes, but more so I think I was upset over everything that I happened within the prior days. I left Boston, the only home I have ever known, to follow a man who has constantly withheld the truth from me on countless occasions. A mayor of a town, in which I barely know anyone, has threatened me and now that I am in the town I'm pretty sure I can't leave and I just wish I could I talk to my mom. I miss her so much. There are so many things I wish I could say to her.

Valentina started to hug me and I was starting to sob. "Let's go outside." She said as she guided me outside from the club. She grabbed some tissues from out of her purse and gave them to me. I wiped my tears away and tried to take a couple of deep breaths. My mascara was all smeared and I felt that my eyes were puffy. This was not how I was expecting this night to go. "What happened?" She asked me. "I was with Hayes and he-" I was interrupted, "I leave you for a few hours and now you're at a club and crying, Stephanie. You should just follow me everywhere." I recognized the voice of Henry. He made me laugh, but I wasn't in the mood. "Henry, let her finish talking." Henry rolled his eyes. "Where is everyone else?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Henry, go talk to Amy and Aiden, they're inside and David and Jackson should be arriving later." Henry touched my shoulder in a friendly way as he walked inside. Valentina turned to me. "Okay, so you were with Hayes and then what happened?" I sighed because I honestly wanted to lay in bed. "We were having a great time. He made me dinner. And then I found out he was sleeping with someone else. And I know that's crazy because we aren't even dating." "Stephanie your feelings are valid, and that's terrible but I'm in disbelief that he made you dinner. I only ever heard that Hayes participated in one night stands... Sorry!", she sighed. "But what I'm trying to say is that he seemed like he cared for you." "I don't know what he thinks of me at this point." "Then forget about him. Let's have a great night! Have some drinks and some fun!" I didn't want to, but I knew I would regret it if I didn't.

We went inside and walked towards the bar area. There were lots of people drinking, laughing, and dancing. I missed this. Simply having fun with your friends at some random club. David waved his hand and signaled us to join him, Amy, Aiden, Jackson, and Henry. I turned to Valentina and whispered, "I thought it was just going to be Amy and Aiden?" "I know, but Jackson and David wanted to join and I see you invited Henry too." She was right. We finally reached their table and they were already on their second drinks. David handed me a shot of tequila and then said: "Stephanie, what happened to you, you look like crap?!" Valentina gave him the death stare. I chugged the shot and I was suddenly feeling better. "I think you look great," said Amy. Aiden handed me another shot, "Drink up, you look like you need it!" I chugged that one and then I grabbed another one off of their table and did a cheers with Jackson. "Okay, I am feeling so much better!" "Yes! Let's go dance then!" Aiden took my hand and we went to the dance floor. Amy and David followed. We danced so much my feet were starting to burn, but I could barely feel anything. Valentina, Henry, and even Jackson soon followed. I closed my eyes while I was twirling around and I could hear all the voices screaming along to the music. The strobe lights were so bright and alluring. My hair starting to clump to my sweaty face, but I didn't care. I was finally feeling happy.

The alcohol was starting to wear off and I think it was getting late because Aiden, Amy, Jackson, even David were getting ready to leave. Aiden pointed to the table we were at a few hours ago and so I followed her. Valentina gave me a bottle of water and I drank it was so fast. "Stephanie, it's getting late so me, Amy, Jackson, and David were thinking of leaving. Would that be okay?" "Aiden, it's okay. It was really fun to hang out with all of you. I enjoyed myself!" Aiden responded, "So did I! We should do this again or maybe hang out during the daytime." "Of course! Where is Amy, David, and Jackson, I would love to tell them goodnight." "David started throwing up so he went to the bathroom so Jackson went to go their car and Amy went with him. But that was like ten minutes ago, so I should be going to meet them at the car, but they told me to tell you good night and that it was fun." "Oh okay, bye then" And she was gone. I turned back to face Valentina. "Stephanie, it's getting late, but we can stay longer if you need it." I wanted to stay longer, but I remembered that Hayes wanted to explain himself. Although, I could make him sweat and show up late. It's what he deserves, even though he doesn't deserve me showing up at all. "What time is it?" I asked Valentina. She checked her phone, "It's 1:49am." Wow, I hadn't noticed so much time had gone by. "Can we stay longer?" "Of course. I'm going to go tell Henry. She walked off and I knew what I needed to do. Once I lost Valentina in the crowd of people, I slipped out the front door.

From Hayes's club to the Mayor's office, it wasn't too far away. It took me about six minutes to reach it. I would only let Hayes talk for five minutes so then I would be back to the club in about twenty minutes total. I walked up the front entrance to the mayor's office and surprisingly it was unlocked, but then again I'm sure Hayes could have opened it. I walked in and the white walls that were there during the daytime, were painted black by the night sky that peaked through the windows. It was complete silence. Maybe Hayes was tired of waiting for me and had gone home. Then I heard a noise coming from the mayor's room. I quietly made my way to the noise. I opened the door to the mayor's room slowly, making sure there would be no creaking. I started walking in and I saw a women who had her back to the door. Her dark red hair was tied up in a low ponytail and from what I could tell she looked frail, wrapped up in a long cardigan and sneakers that looked like had been dragged through soil. I guess she had heard me because she quickly turned around to face me.

The woman looked oddly familiar. Like I knew here from another life. She looked at me up and down, but didn't say a word. And neither did I. Then Hayes walked in from behind me. As soon as I saw him I got angry all over again. "Stephanie, I'm glad you came." I rolled my eyes, "Hayes, why did you tell me to meet you here?" He stepped closer to the woman, "Because I wanted to explain myself. You left my apartment in a rage and I couldn't tell you what that note actually meant." He continued, "Stephanie, this is Danielle. She is the one who wrote the note." I gasped. "So you slept with her?" I felt bad as soon as I said that. She lost her baby and it was insensitive. She rolled her eyes and Hayes shook his head. "Stephanie, what? I have made dinner for Danielle a few times and gave her a place to sleep if she needs it. Despite what everyone in this town believes, I'm not totally heartless when it comes to mothers who have lost their children so young." I felt dumb again, why was I fast to believe Hayes was a terrible person. "I'm still confused though, if Danielle has been in town since forever, why did she need to sleep at your place?" Hayes opened his mouth but Danielle raised her hand at him, signaling to him that she would be speaking from now on. "Stephanie, is that right?" I nodded. "Ever since I lost. I lost. I lost my baby. This town has never treated me right. I fell into a great depression and the mayor didn't want to work with me anymore as the city planner. And well what the mayor says, goes. He saw me as a failure, so then everyone saw me as a failure. And those who don't see me as failure, pity me. And let's just say I did some things I'm not proud of. If the Mayor were ever to see me again, I would probably end up in jail. So that's why I don't speak to anyone except for Hayes. Whenever I get tired of being alone, I stop by Hayes's apartment and he gives me a place to stay for the night. That is all. Trust me, baby, I see this boy as a son." I felt so much better. I felt as if a weight was off of my shoulders. I grinned at Hayes and I could see it in his eyes, he knew that we were good again.

He turned to face Danielle, "Thank you, now may I ask how long as it been since you lost your baby?" You would think he knows that by now. Danielle, responded"Hayes, you know. Why are you asking that?" I was confused now too. He turned to me again, "Stephanie here is twenty-one, and I can't help but think how similar you two look." Me and Danielle looked at each other. Danielle began to talk, "Hayes, to what are you referring to?" Hayes didn't have a chance to answer because then we heard multiple loud foot steps approaching. Danielle turned to face Hayes, and he showed her the exit from the back so she could run away. Hayes then ran back in front of me to protect me. We were close to Zach's desk as the footsteps were still approaching.

I was shocked at who came through the door.

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