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I didn't know how to react after hearing what Hayes had to say. He knew who I was before we met. In the Beginning could be true. I really could be Persephone. And he could really be Hades. "Stephanie please say something. I know this is all crazy, but that's why I need you. Everyone in this town needs you. They need the truth." "Hayes answer me truthfully, has all of this only been because you wanted me to believe In the Beginning is true?" He took a deep breath, "When I first met you yes, but as soon as I saw you I knew there was more there. And ever since then I've been falling in love with you. That's the truth." I responded, "Thank you for the truth, but I can't do this. I'm no Persephone and you are not Hades! And everyone in this town weren't Greek gods and goddesses hundreds or even thousands of years ago. I don't expire after ninety years and all of this can't be true. It just can't." "Stephanie I understand you're scared and this seems impossible, but please believe me. Not just for yourself, but for everyone in this town!" "Who? Helen who kicked me out of her house and her husband who threatened me or Valentina and Henry who betrayed me?" "For me. Me, Hayes Elliot. The man you followed here and who are falling in love with. I know you are. Our love can end this curse and we can know each other completely." I stood up, "Hayes don't you hear yourself! This isn't true!" I sighed, "Why don't you just take me back to Danielle's house." Hayes stood up to face me at eye level, "Stephanie-" I stopped him,"Please, Hayes. Please." 

This wasn't the date I wanted. I didn't want to find out that I was some long lost Greek goddess who had to break some old ass creepy curse. Hayes and I started walking back to his car in silence. I wanted to say something, but what could I say? 

As we were walking back I heard some voices in the distance yelling. Hayes told me to just keep walking, but I wanted to know who it was. I turned around to see they were and to my dismay it was Valentina, Emilio, and Amy. Valentina screamed, "Stephanie! Stop! Come here!" Hayes tried to grab my arm but I stood my ground. Hayes turned around as well to face them too, "Stephanie, let's go." I shook my head and crossed my arms. Hayes sighed in anger. Valentina, Emilio, and Amy finally reached us and they all looked upset. Valentina was in the middle of their little trio and began talking, "Funny seeing you here Stephanie, I thought you would have gone home by now." I replied, "Funny how you don't even remember your home." Amy started laughing, "That is the best you got?" Hayes responded to her, "Amy stop." Amy rolled her eyes. I turned to face her, "Amy this has nothing to do with you." Amy looked even more upset. Hayes walked in front of me to talk to Valentina, "Valentina what the hell are you doing? Leave her alone." Emilio walked in front of Valentina. Emilio started raising his voice at Hayes, "You don't get to talk to her." Hayes laughed, "Great. I don't even want to talk to her. Or any of you. All you have to do is leave us alone or else." Emilio questioned him, "Or else what? You'll disappear for months again?" I started to feel Hayes's body warm up. "You have no fucking idea what you're talking about Emilio." I was sensing Hayes was getting upset and I didn't want him to get into any more trouble, especially because of me. Emilio walked up to Hayes and you could cut the tension with a knife. I heard Emilio whisper, "You do not want to fuck with me." Hayes started laughing and Emilio looked even more pissed off. And then all of the sudden Hayes sucker punched Emilio on the right side of his face. Emilio fell to the floor and we all gasped. Amy ran away and Valentina was trying to comfort Emilio. Hayes turned around to face me, "Let's go. Now." We started quickly walking away and I turned around to see Valentina trying to hold Emilio back, but we were already too far away for him to even do anything to Hayes. 

We reached Hayes's car and we were rushing to get into his car, I put on my seatbelt and looked at Hayes who was already reversing the car. "Why did you do that? Why did you punch him?" Hayes wasn't even looking into my eyes, "Well maybe next time you listen to me when I say go and then I won't have to punch anyone." I knew he wasn't going to blame this on me. "You are not going to blame me for this. I wanted to talk to Valentina, I didn't know you were going to get aggressive." Hayes took a deep breath. "It doesn't matter anymore, we have to get to Danielle's house before they do." "What does that mean?" Hayes looked at me, "Don't freak out, but I know they are going to follow me. Zach and Damon and all of them will. I know it." "But Zach and Damon weren't even there." "Yes, I'm very aware of that, but once I saw Amy run away I knew she was going to tell Zach. She either fights or goes and tells Zach about everything." "Amy as in Athena?" I asked. He was quiet after that. And then we reached Danielle's house and fortunately Zach wasn't there yet. 

Hayes and I ran into Danielle's house and she didn't look scared. She was actually very calm. I guess they had planned out what they were going to do if something like this had ever happened. Danielle looked at Hayes, "Is it happening?" And for the first time ever Hayes looked defeated. Tears were beginning to slowly run down his face. "Danielle, I am so sorry. I let my anger take over and I punched Emilio. I'm sure they are on their way now." Danielle wiped his tears away and she really did seem like a mom. I hadn't been around such motherly energy in a long time. I started to tearing up too, but I quickly wiped them away. Danielle held Hayes's face in her hand, "Its okay. I couldn't run my whole life. This was bound to happen and don't for a second think this is your fault. It is mine." I didn't want to interrupt, but I had to know what she meant. "Danielle, what did you do?" She turned to me and sighed. "After I lost my baby, as you know I was depressed for a long time. I had these terrible nightmares every night for months on end and they felt so real. Once Zach made everyone turn on me, I had nobody. I thought if Zach was killed then the nightmares and the depression would go away. I didn't want to hurt him, but one night, I had a dream in which I set the Mayor's office on fire. I woke up a few feet away from the burning mayor's office beside an empty jug of lighter fluid and Zach was being rushed into an ambulance. I ran away and Zach always had the suspicion it was me and well he would be right." This was a lot to process, but one detail stood out to me. "You have nightmares every night too?" Danielle looked confused. "Do you? I've never met anyone like me before." She asked me. We looked into each other's eyes and for a moment I believed she was my biological mom and that In the Beginning could be true. "Yes I do. Every single winter night." She laid her hands on top of mine and gently squeezed them. I asked her another question, "Danielle how did you loose your baby?" She looked away, "I don't remember much, but I do know that I went to sleep one night and I heard noises coming from her nursery. I ran into her room and she was gone. I don't know if someone took her or what happened. I looked for her for years, but nothing ever came up. Although, I don't remember much, I do remember her beautiful brown eyes and curly hair. I miss her so much." My adoptive mom used to always tell me how curly my hair was as a baby and about my brown eyes. I took a deep breath and looked at Hayes and then back at Danielle. "Danielle, I think you are my-" And as soon as those words came out of my mouth, Zach, Damon, Emilio, and Valentina came rushing into Danielle's house, busting down her front door. 

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