New York City

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I have been staring at the bus ticket for hours. Arrival on December 15th, 2021 to The Grand Central Terminal. This is freaking me out. What am I doing? This is not me? I don't just go around talking to strangers and following them to other cities.

But I have always wanted this... I want an all consuming love. I want to find out who my biological parents are. I don't want to be stuck in this tiny apartment in frigid Boston forever, but I'm scared. This is the same feeling I got when my mom died. Scared. Alone. Anxious.

I want to go. I should go.

I started packing. I have to be at the train station in twenty-four hours. I can't believe I'm actually doing this. I'm really do this. I am going to find my parents. I'm going to find Hayes.

The day has arrived. This is surreal. I hopped on the train and I am on the way to the New York City.

Forty-five minutes later and I'm here. And now I am really feeling everything. My heart is pounding a hundred beats per second. My legs we're feeling shaky. My vision is blurry and I can't breath. I grabbed all of my belongings and proceeded to try to find Hayes, hoping he would be here to pick me up, but he is no where in sight. There were at least a hundred people in here and it was starting to get so overwhelming.

I was getting tired of trying to peak over the heads of everyone passing by in order to find Hayes. I went to the bathroom, luggages and all, to change since my nerves were making sweat through my sweater. Luckily and shockingly, the girl's bathroom was empty. I guess New Yorkers don't have to pee at noon. I started to stare at myself in the mirror reflection. My eyes were red and my under eye bags looked even more purple than ever before. This is what happens when I don't sleep. My hair had gotten greasy and my bun was falling apart.

I pulled my makeup bag out of my luggage and swiped some concealer under my eyes and some mascara on my lashes. I popped on some blush and lip gloss. I wanted to do my whole makeup routine, but I was sure my luck was going to run out and some lady was going to walk in at any moment. Then I quickly managed to put my hair in a simple braid. I changed my gray Harvard sweater for my black turtleneck shirt and a leather coat. I wanted to make a good impression on my parents, once I meet them. It was also a little for Hayes since the last time I saw him I looked like me ten minutes ago but even worse. He seemed to like the natural look though, but maybe I'll be able to surprise him with my looks this time.

I gathered my things and walked out the bathroom. To my surprise there was a man wearing a black suit waiting for me with a sign that said S. Carter. I was confused because this wasn't the airport and I'm not those type of people that others do this for. Who did Hayes think I am? I walked up to the man, who again wasn't Hayes! He was really making me run out of my patience. "Hi, are you looking for Stephanie Carter?" I asked the man. "Yes ma'am, you must be her. Mr. Elliot told me that you would be waiting here. I hope that I wasn't too late in picking you up." I kinda really liked this special treatment. "Yes I am Stephanie Carter. And no, don't worry about it." He walked me out of the train station and we were met by other man in front of a long, black luxurious limo with blacked out windows. It was something out of a movie. Like I was a famous actress who was about to step out onto the red carpet. The man who had my name on his sign was the driver and without hesitating climbed into the driver's seat and immediately closed his door. The other man on the other hand was a couple inches taller than me and had deep brown curly hair peaking out from his round hat. He was clean shaven and was looking at me up and down. Then he spoke: "You must be Stephanie? I'm Henry. I know Hayes, or Mr. Elliot if that is what you know him by." He opened the door for me while I told him that I was Stephanie as I climbed into the limo.

For a few minutes, the car ride was quiet. The silence was killing me. I wanted to know who this Henry person was and where the hell Hayes was. I started to talk, but was quickly interrupted. "So Henry, where is-" He turned his whole body to face me. He seemed arrogant, although I had just met him. "Stephanie. I know you haven't know Hayes for too long, but don't get too attached. Surely, you haven't already, right? I mean you've only known him for what five seconds!" He started giggling and I was already uncomfortable. This was the first surprise of Hayes I didn't enjoy. He kept talking, "Sorry, that may have been uncalled for. I should introduce myself. I'm Henry Wilson. I work with Hayes and with many other people you're going to be meeting this evening. I'm basically the human twitter. I get information from one person and pass it on to everyone else." This was exactly I was looking forward to. I knew that I was going to be meeting my parents and seeing Hayes again. I actually was about to ask Henry about my parents but he seemed like he gossiped too much and I wasn't ready to get him involved in my life yet so I replied, "I wasn't getting attached to him, but could you tell me we're going and who will I be meeting this evening?" He got serious again. "You'll see. Ms. Carter." He grinned and the rest of ride was quiet.

The car ride was about an hour long including some traffic. I was dosing off until Henry tapped my shoulder and told me that we arrived. That pit in my stomach was returning along with the sweatiness and loss of breath. I could see through the blackened windows a road sign with what I'm guessing is the name of the town, New Mount. Behind it, through the trees I could see a large, white mansion that was gated with surrounding gardens filled with flowers of all colors, which was surprising since we were in the dead of winter. The limo pulled up to the gate and I opened the door. This was the beginning.

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