Broken Trust

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Henry kept looking at me. I had no clue why, but I wanted to know where Hayes was. I need to make sure he's fine. "Are you sure you want to know? I mean won't this break the trust of the relationship." I rolled my eyes, "Henry now is not the time to be my relationship coach. Tell me where he is now." He responded, "Don't shoot the messenger, but Hayes is planning on breaking free Danielle tonight." I knew Hayes would do something like this, but Hayes lied to me. I had a million thoughts running through my head. Hayes was willing to go behind my back and ruin what we had, although I did want to free Danielle as well, but this wasn't how I wanted it to go down. Everything that I felt for Hayes this morning felt distant. "How do you know?" Henry tried reaching for hand, I guess to comfort me. I pulled away before he had the chance to even laid a finger. "I ran into Hayes this morning, he was headed towards the jail. I know Hayes." I got up from the table. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes because I knew this was probably true. "I don't believe you now get out. You already explained yourself so you're done." Henry got up too. "Stephanie, I'm sorry-" I interrupted him, "Leave! Go now!" He stared in my eyes for a few seconds and then headed out the door.

I broke down into tears, how could Hayes do this to me? Did he not trust me enough to tell me the truth? Well now I didn't trust him. He did this huge thing that could get him killed. I know he wants to help, but now things are different.

I got up from the floor and wiped my tears away.


Hayes Perspective:

I hope Stephanie is safe while I'm gone, but I have to save Danielle. We need to break this curse, before Zach kills anyone.

David was waiting for me at the bar. "Someone is here to see you boss." I kept walking. "Not right now, I have to go." David grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "Hayes, it's important." I pushed him. I didn't want to harm him, but I don't have time for this. He lifted his arms up in defense. "What the hell? Who is this person that is so damn important to meet?"

"Hello Hayes," a familiar voice from the distant spoke out. I turned around to find Valentina standing in front of me. Alone, surprisingly. She usually always has Emilio perched on her shoulder. She had her arms crossed and a nasty look on her face. "Valentina, what do you want I have to go." She wrinkled her nose, "I can smell sex on you, I sense you and Stephanie have been getting really busy." I yelled, "You keep her name out of her mouth!" Valentina rolled her eyes, "Calm down Hayes. I know you plan on 'rescuing' your precious Danielle. I just wanted to let you know that Emilio and Damon will never let that happen. Hell nobody in this town that is smart will let that happen." I walked up to meet her closely, "Do you really think I'm scared of any of you?" She gulped down. "Whatever, you have been warned." After that, she quickly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and walked out the front door.

I do not care nor know what any of these people are going to do, but what I do know is that they are not going to bring any harm to Danielle, and especially not to Stephanie. I followed out the door to head to the police station. The plan was going to be to speak to Danielle and figure out things from there. I could sense I was being followed. Luckily the person following me was not the best stalker. I turned around to see Henry trying to keep his head down. "Henry, what are you doing?" He kept looking down. "Hayes, what a surprise to find you here." He finally looked up and scared little puppy was written all over his face. "Henry, I do not have time to speak with you and even if I did, I don't want to. Especially after what you did to Stephanie." He looked like he was about to cry, but I'm sure it was for dramatics. "Will you please let me apologize to Stephanie and to you. I'm so sorry-" I didn't know if he meant well or not, but if it was up to me he would never be in reaching distance of Stephanie. Anger came over me. I grabbed his neck and he started choking as I interrupted him. "Henry, listen very closely to me. I am not in a very good mood right now. Do not talk to me or Stephanie or I will kill you. Do you understand?" His face was getting purple. He nodded. I let go of him and he fell back. I walked off.

Once I finally reached the police the station, I opened the doors to find Zach, Helen, Damon, and Emilio standing in front of me. They were all looking at me with the same faces they always did... disappointment, judgement, and a little bit of fear. It didn't bother me anymore. I excepted the fact that they would never understand me. Plus I played the devil role good enough. Helen had her arms crossed, Zach with a smirk that I would love to slap off of his face, Damon trying to act like Zach, and Emilio trying to act tough even though his eye was still bruised from my fist a couple of days ago.

Zach began talking first, "I know you wish to speak to Danielle, but I won't let that happen." I wanted to play with them, "I hate that you assumed I wasn't here to talk to you, brother." Damon interrupted, "Brother? You have never acted like you wanted to be a part of our family for as long as I can recall." Zach gave a death stare to Damon and he stopped talking. I laughed, "Wow, Damon I still see you are Zach's little bitch." I liked seeing Damon pissed off. "Hayes!" Helen snarled. I walked closer to meet her eyes, "Hey sister-in-law, what are you doing here? No troubled marriage to fix except for your own?" Her eyes grew big. Emilio stepped in front of her, I turned to face him, "Would you like another black eye?" I could see the vein on his forehead pop like it always does when he's mad. "Hayes, I could take you any day-" Zach interrupted him, "Now boys, stop with the foolishness. We can save a fight between you two for another day. Hayes, I know you're here for Danielle." They drain my energy, I was ready to go back to Stephanie. "Where is she, Zach? Behind bars?" He turned around to face Damon, "Show him to Danielle." I was shocked, everyone was shocked. This was too easy. Something was wrong.

"Right this way, brother." Damon uttered condescendingly as he walked further into the building. Surprisingly, I have never been here before. If this was a regular town I'd probably would have arrested already.

We reached an empty interrogation room a couple feet from where we left Zach, Helen, and Emilio behind. Damon opened the door and I walked past him to enter it. He whispered something as he shut the door. "Good luck." There was Danielle sitting facing away from me as I walked closer. I could tell it was her from her long red hair that was turning white at the roots. "Danielle?" I asked. She turned and gave me a half smile. She looked fine. Better, actually. The tiredness her face always used to read was gone. She looked as if she was finally relaxed. Her presence felt different. She pointed to the empty chair in front of her and I sat down to face her. She wasn't talking. Only looking down or around the room. "Danielle, what is going on?" She looked into my eyes. I couldn't tell what she was thinking. "I'm so sorry, Hayes." "What? No? You have nothing to apologize for. I should be the one apologizing. I should have fought harder to protect you from Zach and everyone else here-" Danielle interrupted, "Stop!" I laid back in my chair, baffled. Danielle was never one to raise her voice. "Stop, Hayes. Stop apologizing. You did nothing wrong, but I did. I'm the reason why we are here."

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