Dinner From Hell

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Of course I knew that Aiden had completely no interest in helping me, but that I thought she would have more respect towards Henry or Hayes. Sure enough though, Hayes put her in her place.  "You're right Aiden, we are going to talk to Zach and everyone else tonight. Yet, I wanted your help incase your siblings do something to harm Stephanie and since you agreed because I know Henry explained it to you, nobody here deserves that attitude. If you want to walk out that door go ahead, but if you hurt Stephanie in anyway if this turns out badly then I will not hesitate to do something that will harm you." She stared at Hayes with her piercing eyes and then quickly looked down. There was a silence after their interaction, but then Henry spoke up, "Alright then, we go to the Mayor mansion since Zach and Helen are hosting their annual Holidays dinner and we can catch Danielle before she leaves. We should get there by the time dessert is served." Me and Jackson giggled. Hayes walked beside me and whispered in my ear, "Are you ready?" I nodded. Then he turned to face everyone else, "Let's go."

I hopped into Hayes' car and Henry, David, and the twins went in Henry's car. I could tell that Hayes was confident, but still afraid of losing me. I was scared too, but I wanted to act stronger so that Hayes wouldn't worry. I think he could sense it, he squeezed my thigh as he drove towards the mansion. "I want you to stay beside me the whole time." I responded back to Hayes, "I will." He grabbed my hand and held it tightly. He quickly turned around to face me directly, "I love you, Stephanie." I wasn't sure if he actually meant it or if he was worried that something terrible would happen tonight, but nevertheless I knew I loved him too. "I love you too, Hayes."

We finally reached the mansion and there were so many cars piled up in the long driveway. There were festive lights surrounding the entrance. Hayes parked his car closer to the street and Henry behind his and we all made our way towards the mansion. Hayes and I held hands as we walked, "Who do you think is going be in there?" I asked him. "For sure Zach, Helen, Emilio, Valentina, Amy, Paul, and Danielle has to be close by." I was confused, "Who is Paul?" Hayes answered, "Valentina's husband. He's rarely around except for this dinner." This night was already proving to be one to remember.

I could hear laughter and talking coming from inside as we got closer to getting inside. I was surprised that they didn't have security. As we entered I recognized the foyer and cascading stairs. There were more lights leading towards the dining room. Hayes was the one who walked in first and I clung to his side, while Henry and David entered next, and the twins last. Zach was seated at the head of the table and Damon on the other end facing him, Helen was sitting on Zach's right, Valentina on his left, Paul beside her, Emilio in front of Valentina, Amy beside Emilio, and Danielle on Damon's right. There were empty chairs placed sporadically where I'm guessing Henry, David, and the twins were supposed to sit. Once we had all invaded their space, Zach and Damon quickly stood up, then Emilio and Amy followed them in standing up. Helen looked angrily surprised and Valentina looked upset as well. Danielle remained calm, but I could tell she was worried. Helen screamed first, "What are you all doing here?!" Zach turned to face her, "Helen, relax." Zach then faced Emilio, Damon, and Amy who were standing up ready to fight, "Sit down. We will speak as adults." They sat down, but they still looked ready to pounce at any moment. Zach turned back around to face the rest of us, "What is the meaning of this? Ruining a lovely dinner?" Hayes answered him, "We simply want to talk. Clear out the air between us all." Zach started smiling, and I turned to look at Henry. I was confused as to why he was smiling? Henry shrugged his shoulders. "Then join us for dinner." I was stunned that Zach could be this cordial, but then again I was getting used to him being two-faced. Henry replied, "I'm sure that the rest of your party, don't want us to join your 'lovely dinner'." "They won't mind. There are enough chairs, wine, and food to satisfy everyone. Come, sit down, Son." Zach responded. Hayes faced me and without talking I knew he was asking me if I wanted to sit, and I nodded.

As we all began to sit down, Aiden beside Amy and Jackson beside Aiden, Henry on Damon's left, I sat beside Danielle and Hayes beside me, and finally David sat beside Helen, Damon spoke "Great. The more the merrier," with a grin on his face. Zach whispered not so quietly to Helen that she should start passing the wine, extra dinner plates, and the bowls of extravagant foods to us. Once we all started eating, I couldn't help but notice Helen looking at Valentina with an annoyed look as Valentina began taking a big gulp of the wine, Paul then placed his hand on Valentina's arm ushering her to stop. Emilio couldn't take his eyes off of Paul and Valentina, I bet he hated seeing them together. Paul looked at least five years older than Valentina, he had a well defined beard that was growing long. His brown hair was slicked back and his eyes looked wise. I wanted to savor my food, especially because I knew things would start to heat up at any moment, but I kept hearing little whispers coming from the different areas of the dining table. Amy whispered to Aiden, "What were you doing with them?" Aiden replied, "Honestly I don't know, Henry basically pushed me to help them. I wasn't going to but then Jackson told me to stay so I did." Amy rolled her eyes. I stopped looking around at everyone because I felt eyes on me. I turned my face slightly to see Danielle staring at me.

"I'm glad to see you here," she told me. I wasn't buying it, but I didn't know if I should act like I didn't know anything. I was about to answer until Zach started talking. I knew that he interrupted me because he couldn't risk me talking to Danielle. "Now you have all gotten a chance to wine and dine, let's discuss. What is it that you wanted to talk about? My bad- I mean 'clear the air'." He was being sarcastic. Hayes body was getting warmer, it happened when he was getting angry or excited if you know what I mean. Hayes answered, "Well given the fact that you all treated Stephanie terribly, I want you to apologize to her." I wasn't expecting to do that, but it made me feel good. Zach and Damon started laughing, Valentina crossed her arms, Amy and Helen rolled their eyes. Valentina spoke, "I am not apologizing to someone who doesn't even want to be here." She started staring me down, "Why don't you leave, Stephanie? The only one who wants you here is the man who fucks you." Hayes was about to get up but I pulled him down by his shoulder. Paul also stopped her, "Valentina! Stop!" Emilio interrupted, "Don't you talk to her like that!" Paul looked stunned. I heard a familiar voice yell, "All you of stop! See what she is doing? This is all your fault Stephanie!" The voice was from Amy. I didn't want the words to get to me but they were. I looked down and Hayes grabbed my hand under the table. Zach punched the table hard and we all got frightened. Hayes faced Zach, "This is exactly what I'm talking about. Stephanie is not the source of all your problems. You all had problems long before she came to town." I whispered quietly to Hayes, "Thank you." He smiled. Henry followed along with Hayes, "Exactly and what she brought to light was how nobody knows how to leave town or what we are even doing here? Do any of you remember anything of your childhood? College? How we got to this town? Because I don't." Zach and Danielle started looking at each other, I think they were trying to figure out how to stop this from accelerating. Everyone else looked confused, like they were trying to answer Henry's questions in their heads. Zach blurted out loudly, "I think it's time you should leave. Yes, Hayes and Stephanie leave! Now!" Hayes puffed his chest, "I'm not going anywhere." And in a quick split second, Zach stood up and went to reach for Hayes while Damon got up and grabbed me by my arms.

"Hayes!" I yelled out for him, but Zach and Emilio were pulling him back while he was trying desperately to free himself. Henry went to my aid, but Amy threw her hands and punched him. He fell back. David and Jackson tried to get up to help us, but Aiden pushed her twin back to sit down and Zach yelled at David to sit. Paul stood up, "What is going on?!" Valentina and Helen didn't say a word. I was getting scared. If I died now then I would be be dead forever. I looked at Hayes, I mouthed I love you. And I could tell he was afraid that this was the last time he was ever going to see me. As Damon and Amy were pulling me back I reached to grab the table, but instead I grabbed Danielle's arm. And all of the sudden things went dark.

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