The Town Party: Part Two

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I felt like I was high on adrenaline after that interaction with Hayes. My heart was beating in two different places if you know what I mean and my palms were sweaty. I took a deep breath and walked out of the library to greet the stranger, even though I wanted to keep talking to Hayes.

I was greeted by a gorgeous woman who had the nicest smile. Her luscious locks fell past her waist and was wearing a large, exquisite bejeweled dress. I was captivated by her looks and the lovely energy she gave off. It was like a subtle confidence. "You must be Stephanie! I have heard you have been making quite the impression on our town. And now that I see you I understand why!" She lifted my arm up and spun me around. "wow, you are so pretty, Stephanie!" I couldn't contain my smile. "Thank you, umm.." "Right, sorry my name is Valentina. It is so great to get you meet you. Also I hope I wasn't interrupting anything going on in the library." "No, you weren't. I was just in there with-, well Hayes." "Hayes, huh." I wanted to know what she meant by that. It didn't sound good. "What's with the tone?" "It's nothing Stephanie, I mean- between you and me, Hayes isn't one for romantic relationships. He is much more of a one night stand kind of man." This brought me down from the adrenaline high right back to reality. Valentina must have noticed my discouraged expression, "Stephanie, I haven't talk to Hayes in months, I'm sure he's changed. But don't worry we will find you someone great!" I'm not looking for a relationship, but I had the feeling that one could be on the table between me and Hayes. I guess I was wrong.

We walked together back to the group of David and Aiden, but this time Henry, Amy, and Jackson weren't there. Yet, there was still one new man. He was tall and strong. His biceps were peaking through his top, but he was looking straight at Valentina and she was staring right back. From the moment we stepped into the room their eyes didn't stray from each other. David yelled as soon as he saw me, "Stephanie!!! You're back! And with Valentina no less!" We reached their group and Valentina went straight for the other man. He wrapped his arm over her shoulder they kissed each other's cheeks, at a glance you would think they did that to greet each other, but at another glance you could tell they had a great love for each other. After we all greeted everyone, Valentina reached out for me and told me that the man was called Emilio. Emilio looked directly at my eyes and pulled his hand out to shake my hand. I told him my name was Stephanie, and his hand shake was so aggressive, I didn't see what Valentina saw in him, but that wasn't my problem. They quickly went back to their own little world. Aiden and David each pulled one of my arms in order for me to be in between of them. David was very drunk! His breath smelled heavy of the moscato that was the specialty drink of the night. I was now facing Valentina and Emilio instead of being beside them. Aiden brought her mouth to my ear and starting talking: "They are so in love. Everyone knows it except they turn a blind eye because she's married! I don't know why they sneak around, her husband knows she's cheating!" I was shocked, but all I could do was laugh! I turned to Aiden and asked who was Valentina's husband. She told me that he is never around.

It was fun to talk to them, but I couldn't help but to keep replaying my encounter with Hayes. After about an hour of staying with Aiden and David, David was starting to pass out and Aiden was looking for her twin brother, Jackson. Everyone was heading out and I hadn't noticed how late it was. I said bye to everyone I met that night: Amy, Aiden, Jackson, Emilio, Valentina, David, Henry, and even Damon. By five am everyone was gone and surprisingly I wasn't tired. Helen and Zach went to sleep and they told me good night, and then I went back to my bed room to take my makeup off and change into comfier pajamas. I tried to sleep, but I wanted to see Hayes again. I quickly and quietly walked downstairs to make me some tea to help me sleep and then I remembered there was a pool. I grabbed my tea once it had finished brewing and headed to the pool. It looked so serene and peaceful. I dipped my toes in, although it was freezing. I was staring at the pool, until I saw the reflection of someone behind me. "OH MY GOD!" I tried to stand up, but I forgot my feet were still in the water and I fell into the pool. It was ice cold, but luckily I knew how to swim, but when I came up to breathe the person who scared me thought I was a damsel in distress because they rushed to my aid. I couldn't see who it was since it was so dark. I tried to get my hands free so that I could swim away but they were way too strong. They pulled me back up to the deck and I was still trying to catch my breath. They then pulled themselves up and through my messed up hair I saw that it was Hayes. I sat up trying to regain my warmth by wrapping myself in my soaking wet clothes. "Take off your clothes." Hayes said staring at me. How was he still so cute while dripping wet. "What?!" I replied. "You're freezing. Take off your clothes. I know where Zach and Helen store their pool towels. Take your clothes off so you can dry off." "Oh." "What did you think I was trying to get you out of your clothes so we would sleep together?" I looked away, "Can you just give me the towels?" He walked to the corner of the pool where the towels were stored. "And I'm okay thanks for asking!!" I yelled as he walked off. He walked back to me and handed me the towels. "I'll turn around, while you undress." He turned around, "My hero." I said condescendingly. I took my drenched clothes off and wrapped myself in the towels. "I'm sorry that I scared you into falling the pool. I'm glad you're okay." He said. I smiled. "I'm done and why didn't you get yourself a towel too, I mean we both were in the pool." He turned back to face me and was already dry. "I'm already dry." Again he was surprising me. "How are you dry so fast?" He shook his head in a 'I don't know' manner.

He got closer to me and for a second I remembered that I was completely naked under the towels. He looked so warm and I wanted him to hug me since now I was even colder. I guess he read my mind, "You're shaking. Come here." He said as he opened his arms. I quickly jumped into his arms and he wrapped them around me. He was so hot, not in that way. Well, yes in that way, but not in that moment. This was sweet, but I starting thinking about what Valentina said. I looked up at him, "Why did you jump in the pool to save me? I know how to swim, but you didn't know that." He looked confused. "Stephanie, what are you suggesting?" I started to get frustrated. I pulled away. "You know exactly nothing about me. And even if you did know anything about me what does it matter? What are we doing here? What is this? We flirt and flirt, but nothing ever actually happens!" He responded, "Don't you want to meet your mother?" I rolled my eyes. "Of course of I do, but I wasn't talking about her right now, but if you don't want to talk about us then forget it. I'm just a stupid girl who though there was something here. Just go back to your one night stands, Hayes." I just about to walk off until he grabbed my arm and pulled me back into his chest. He lifted my chin to meet his face like the first time we met except for this time he did touch me. "Stephanie, you're right. I don't do romantic relationships. I'm sure you heard that from Valentina, but all those people you met today rode me off years ago. They think I'm a heartless hedonist, but when I'm with you, even though, yes I don't know you all too well, I would love to take you in my arms and fall in love with you, but it's not safe and I have to keep you safe. I need to keep you safe, so I try to keep my emotions and logics separated. Yet, every time I try to leave you pull me back in." I had so many questions, but for now only one was important. "Stephanie, may I kiss you?" I responded:"Yes."

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