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Zeus stood up and Hera ran to him, arms wide open and hugged him. He pushed her away and he walked over to me. Zeus looked straight into my eyes, "I am not scared of you, goddess. I am not afraid of you, and I most certainly am not afraid of my brother, or your little boyfriend over here. You will not threaten me ever again. Do you understand that?" I crossed my arms, "As long as you understand that you owe me. You will do my biding whenever I please." He rolled his eyes, but then reached out his hand. "Fine." I shook his hand.

Aphrodite ran over to me, "Persephone?" I nodded. She gently grabbed my hand and whispered, "What have you done?" I jerked my hand back, "What had to be done." Sebastian walked over to us, "Persephone, my work here is done, but if you ever need to call me or need help again. You know how to contact me." He kissed the top of my head and he walked out. As Sebastian was leaving, I noticed Hermes was staring at me, disappointedly. I walked over to Hermes. I didn't think he'd be this upset. "Hermes, I'm sorry but-" He interrupted me, "No! Stephanie or Persephone. I want nothing to do with you. As of this point, we are no longer friends." "Hermes, please." "You knew I wanted a relationship with my father, and you let some guy almost kill him. I know that Zeus has done some terrible things, but you scooped to his level." Aphrodite came up from behind me as Hermes walked off, "I just talked to Ares and everyone is planning on leaving now. Are you coming?" I shook my head, "I think it's time to go back to Hades. I think I've overstayed my visit." 

Aphrodite and Dionysus hugged me. "I promise I will visit, Aphrodite," I whispered in Aphrodite's ear as I let go. She smiled and then I saw them all walking off into the distance, in order to meet up with everyone else, where the portal was waiting for them. 

Once they were all gone, the town felt empty. It was vacant. And then I started remembering Hades. Everything I did in these past few days was so I could be with him. I just hoped he would still see the old me when he looked at me, and not see what Hermes did. And with that, my body and mind began to teleport to the underworld. 

I fell to my knees and my hands touched the dark, rocky sand at the shores of what seemed to be the river Styx. I picked myself up and walked towards the vast body of water. The river was so reflective, I could see myself. My piercing white eyes and my long hair. I looked closer and I swear there was something swimming underneath the water. I wanted to inspect closer, but a light in the distance caught my attention. There was an old man rowing a boat towards me. 

"Are you ready to come into the afterlife?" The old man asked me. "I'm not dead, I'm here for Hades-" The old man widened his eyes and cleared his throat, "My queen, you are always welcome." He held out his hand and he helped me get on board. He began rowing again. 

As we got closer to actually entering the underworld, everything still seemed so dark and yet it was beautiful. There were trees and flowers growing slowly and perfectly. In the distance I could see the other rivers and what I guess is Hades's castle. My heart started to beat faster and I was excited to see Hades again. I wish he had been missing me as much as I had been missing him. I was lost without him. 

We were almost at the end of the river, "Is Hades in his castle?" Charon turned around, "I wouldn't know, my queen. He is either there or somewhere with Hecate." "Hecate?" "Yes, and we're here. Safe travels, my queen." I jumped off the boat and I waved goodbye to Charon. I didn't know exactly where to go or what to do. I thought that maybe Hades would sense me and come after me, but that's silly. Right? 

I teleported to the entrance of the castle. I opened the doors to the beautiful foyer. With gold detailing all over the walls and long black drapes hanging on the sides of the window walls. It was very quiet, as I walked even further inside. I looked inside to almost every room and there was no sign of Hades, until I heard his voice coming from down the hallway. I quietly opened the door to the room he was in. It seemed to be his office, his back was facing me and he was drinking some wine. "Hades?" His back straightened and he placed his drink on his desk. He turned around slowly, "Stephanie!" He ran towards me and he picked me up! It felt so good to be with him again. He smelled exactly the same, the same spices and smoke. He kissed my cheek and put me down. I grabbed his arm and looked at him. He looked different. He seemed happier and much more confident within himself. His hair was longer and his smile more sincere. His body looked stronger and possibly taller? Was he happier without me?

"I didn't think you would be back so soon?" Hades asked me. "I can leave if you want me to." He pulled me in by the waist and he tucked my hair behind my ear, "No, I want you here." He then nibbled on my ear. I had forgotten just how much I missed his touch. How much I missed his warmth. How much I craved his body. He kissed my forehead and then raised my head up to meet his gaze. And then our lips finally met after all this time. Our kiss was passionate and long. We were yearning for each other. 

Once we stopped kissing, I just wanted to look at Hades. I wish I could draw the soft, delicious curves of his face. I wish I could freeze this moment in time and hold it in my heart forever. 

We sat down at the couch in his office. "How was Mount Olympus? I'm guessing by you being here means you did what you needed to do." I took a deep breath. I was scared that Hades was going to be upset at my recent actions just like Hermes was. I grabbed his hands and held them close to my heart. "Hades, I made some really bad choices while you were gone. When you left, it changed me and I don't think for the better." He pulled our hands to his lips and kissed my hand, "Stephanie, it's okay. I was hurting without you too. And you know that I could never be disappointed in you." "Actually, I go by Persephone now." Hades smiled. I kept talking, "Anyways, while you were gone, I met someone-" His brow furrowed. "Don't worry, it wasn't anything like that. He was actually a son of Zeus- a demi god. And he helped me hurt Zeus." I could tell Hades was getting worried, and maybe a bit angry. He wasn't saying anything which wasn't like him. "Hades, please say something." He let go of my hand, "A son of Zeus? Was it Sebastian?" I nodded. "Sebastian!?" Hades jumped up. "You have to be careful! He isn't trustworthy! And what do you mean Zeus got hurt?! Zeus could have hurt you!" "Hades, calm down! I healed Zeus which got him to owe me something. And I know Sebastian isn't trustworthy, but we had mutual interests." "Persephone did you even think this through?! Sebastian can read minds! He can see your weaknesses and then use them against you! Did he touch you?" I stood up, "Did he touch me?! No because I love you! I would never let him do that and I know that! I'm not as incompetent as you think! And I did think this through. Thoroughly because when Zeus shot you I almost died. My heart shattered! And then you left and I lost you all over again!" "You told me to leave! And I never said you were incompetent!" I took a deep breath again. This wasn't going as I hoped it would. "Hades, I think I should go. It's very evident that we shouldn't be together. This isn't healthy." And before I could say anything else. I heard a voice behind me. "Hades? Who is this?"

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