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(Hayes Perspective)

As soon as those came from her mouth I was shocked. There's no way that she was the reason we are here. Then I knew exactly what was going on. "It's Zach who is making you say this, right? That's exactly what is going on. What does he have on you? I can help you." She rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. She stood up and started pacing around the room. "Stop saying his name. Zach. I don't want to hear his name anymore. I should have never trusted him." I had no clue what was going on. Danielle had never acted like this before. She sat back down at the table and looked at me. She kept talking, "Hayes, I need to tell you this because I hate myself what I did." I feel anger building up inside of me. She was working with them this whole time. I could sense it. "Tell me what you did. Now." I guess she could tell how upset I was getting, "Now, Hayes. Calm down- I know how you get-" I stood up from the chair, "Stop all your damn lying and tell me what the hell is going on now!" She got tense and I collected myself. I sat back down. "Tell me how you are the reason for all of this. I don't understand." "I know that as soon as Stephanie stepped into your life, you haven't been the same. You have been sensing things. Feeling things you've never felt before. Now I ask you, a year ago do you think your intuition was as good as now, hell anywhere as good as now?" I shook my head. She was right. Stephanie brought out parts of me I have never seen before. She continued, "Answer this, do you think the similar things happen to her? I mean well I remember when she realized I was her biological mom she had that dream, I felt it and I know you did too." She was intriguing me, "Yes, I think it's possible she senses things too, but what does this have to do with anything?" My daughter is very powerful. But what could be even more powerful would be you two together. When we were on Mount Olympus ruling over every single mortal..." I know I knew she was going crazy. "Zeus was- well I guess you could say 'King,' and you were king of your own people in the underworld. When you met my daughter you became powerful, much more than anyone understood. Aphrodite, Ares, Hermes, Apollo, Artemis, Athena, Hera, Posideon, and everyone else including me, Demeter, we were afraid of what you two as a pair might become. Were you going to take over the upperworld? We didn't know, but what I did know that was my daughter was not going to marry you. She was not going to drag her soul into the underworld and be with someone like you. I went to Zeus and urged that he ask a witch of our future. He was prideful, but he did it and even he managed to become afraid too. The witch told him that if my daughter and Hades were to unite and reign over the dead souls then they would become the two most powerful Olympians ever. Zeus could not have that- I could not have that. I wanted to stay as I was. Zeus and I devised a plan to keep you two apart forever. Zeus despised you and well so did I, we wanted you to suffer. We would become mortals and my daughter was going to live and die and live centuries apart from the rest of us, but especially you. We created In the Beginning so that if anyone ever asked any questions or we ever met my daughter, then they would think that was all that happened. I pretended to be wounded so you would care for me and I could get close to you. Then once Hermes read In the Beginning and you did two, I thought Zeus was going to have to kill Persephone- I mean Stephanie, but she didn't realize who she was so the plan was off."

The one person I trusted for as long as I remember was the most awful person I had ever known. She not only destroyed my life, but she abandoned her daughter so that she could live comfortably. "Now what, Danielle? Demeter?! Now what?! What do you want me to do?!" She raised an eyebrow, "Do you have any questions?" How could she be so calm in the midst of everything going on? I never knew who she actually was. This whole time she was a completely different person. Of course I had questions. "How does Stephanie reappear? And did you actually try killing Zach? And why did you go into hiding after trying to kill Zach- again if you actually did that?" She let out a giggle. "I thought you would be exploding with anger by now?" I rolled my eyes, "I'm the ones asking questions." She smacked her lips. "Fine. Once she dies, her body reappears as a baby in some random location through the witches magic that helped us turn into mortals. And yes I did try to kill Zach. The witches who helped us wanted balance. I could still feel the pain of abandoning my child. Stephanie gets nightmares every winter as do I. Zach was still upset with me, I had to go into hiding." This was overwhelming, but I had more questions. "So did you tell me this because Zach is planning on killing Stephanie, or what? I don't understand why you want to end the curse now." Danielle responded, "That is exactly my point, if I stay away from Stephanie. You can tell her that perhaps I was sent to prison then the curse won't break. In order to her to break the curse, she must love the both of us. And if I'm gone then Zach won't kill her. It's the least I can do." "So let me get this straight, in order for this curse to break, she must love you as her mother and me. But if Zach were to kill her wouldn't she just turn back into a baby at some location?" She looked down, "If she dies before its her time to recycle her life then she's gone for good. Hayes this is your best option. You can live with her for another what? Sixty something years until the clock resets." I got up from the chair, this was enough. "The 'least you can do' the least you could do is not abandon your child over and over again. You, Danielle, are a piece of shit. You may be even worse than Zach. I will find a way to break this curse without you. You are warned." I walked out the door without looking back. I could hear her yelling, "I told you this, but you, I and Zach are the only ones who know! Trust me no one will help you!" I found my way out the building from the back.

All I wanted to see was Stephanie.


Back to Stephanie's Perspective

My tears were still flowing from my eyes. Hayes had broken my trust. I had to get out of here. After everyone turned my back on me I thought Hayes would never hurt me, but now he did and I had to leave. I started packing my clothes into my suitcase. All of this was a mistake.

I heard a key opening the door and I knew it was Hayes. "Stephanie? Stephanie, where are you?" I didn't want to speak to him, but part of me was still in love with him. "Leave me alone." I could hear my voice crack through the tears. I could hear his foot steps running to the guest bedroom which I had locked the door. He tried opening the door, "Stephanie, please open the door. I can hear you crying. I'm sorry. I will tell you everything. Like I promised." I walked closer to the door, "Like you promised? You went to save Danielle! You could have gotten killed! How am I supposed to trust you, you're supposed to be thinking about us both now!" I could hear him sigh. "Who told you- it doesn't matter, but please. I can explain. I didn't want to make you mad. You have to believe me." "No! No! I'm leaving. I can't be with someone like this, Hayes."

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